Can You Freeze Parsnips?

Can You Freeze Parsnips?

Parsnips are amongst the most versatile vegetables because you can cook and serve them in various ways. Some people like it boiled, whereas some love it fried. Besides, you can mash and even roast parsnips. Unfortunately, parsnips are generally not available throughout the year. So, people buy them in bulk. What option do you have if you had a lot of parsnips available in your kitchen? You can consider freezing them for later consumption.

Can You Freeze Parsnips?

You can comfortably freeze parsnips in the freezer to last for a considerable period, allowing you to remove them anytime and add them to your delicious recipes.

How Do You Freeze Parsnips?

Though freezing parsnips is practically straightforward, you need to spend some time preparing them for freezing.

Step 1 – Keep All The Equipment Handy

It is better to assemble the ingredients required for freezing parsnips beforehand. They include a large bowl, a large pot, a veggie scrubbing brush, a veggie peeler, a colander, a slotted spoon, knives, a cutting board, and a lined baking sheet. Though you can use airtight containers to freeze parsnips, we recommend using resealable zip lock bags for convenience.

Step 2 – Clean And Prepare The Parsnips For The Freezing

You can peel the parsnips if needed. It is not compulsory, but cutting them into small pieces is advisable. The advantage is that it becomes easy for defrosting and consumption. However, chopping them after freezing can be more challenging.

Step 3 – Blanch The Veggies

Boil some water in the pot. Transfer the chopped parsnips to the colander and keep it in boiling water for a few minutes. Please ensure not to cook them thoroughly. Remove them from the vessel and transfer them to an iced water bowl. Soaking them for a couple of minutes should be sufficient for the parsnips to get blanched.

Step 4 – Flash Freeze The Parsnips

Drain the parsnips and spread them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. A silicone mat should also be acceptable. Please see to it that the vegetable pieces do not touch each other. Place the baking sheet inside the freezer for two hours to enable the parsnips to freeze. Once they become solid, you can remove them from the freezer and transfer them to a resealable zip lock bag or an airtight container. This process prevents the frozen parsnips from sticking together.

Step 5 – Seal The Bag And Freeze

Finally, you remove maximum air from the freezer bag, seal and label them, and place it into the freezer for freezing.

How Long Can The Frozen Parsnips Remain Fresh?

Frozen parsnips can remain fresh in the freezer for twelve months. However, there should not be any air leakage into the freezer bag. Nevertheless, we recommend consuming the frozen parsnips within the initial six months to enjoy their taste to the maximum.

How To Defrost Frozen Parsnips?

Parsnips need not be defrosted if you plan to use them in stews or soups. These recipes cook slowly. So, you can transfer the required quantities of frozen parsnips directly from the freezer into the cooking bowl. The slow cooking process allows them to defrost thoroughly.

Another option is to transfer the frozen parsnips from the freezer to the refrigerator. The temperature difference enables the frozen parsnips to defrost. However, this method can take nearly five to six hours.

Can You Refreeze Parsnips?

Generally, we do not advise refreezing all foods, but parsnips are a notable exception. You can comfortably refreeze parsnips without losing their taste and texture.

Can You Freeze Raw Parsnips?

You can freeze raw parsnips, but they do not taste as good as blanched parsnips. So, we generally do not recommend freezing them. Blanching helps to lock the nutrients and guarantees that the texture and taste remain the same after freezing. Frozen raw parsnips do not last as long as the blanched parsnips. They retain their freshness for two to three months.

Can You Freeze Roasted Parsnips?

It is perfectly possible to freeze roasted parsnips.

  1. Cook the parsnips normally. You can blanch them before cooking if needed. Some people add a bit of honey to the parsnips, whereas some roast them with thyme. All these methods are acceptable.
  2. Let the cooked parsnips cool to room temperature. Freezing them warm is not advisable because of condensation issues.
  3. Place the roasted parsnips into a freezer bag. You can cut them into convenient portions for serving later. Remove air and seal the bag.
  4. Stick the date label on the bag and place it in the freezer to freeze well.

When consuming frozen roasted parsnips, you can remove the required portion from the freezer and roast it on a preheated baking tray for twenty minutes. The idea is to ensure they cook thoroughly.

Can You Freeze Mashed Parsnips?

You can freeze mashed parsnips, but avoid mashing them with cream. The cream can separate from the mashed veggies during freezing and make its texture grainy. A better option would be to freeze the parsnips and mash them after defrosting them.

Can You Freeze Parsnip Soup?

Yes, you can freeze parsnip soup.

Can You Freeze Parsnip Puree?

You can freeze parsnip puree. For example, you can refrigerate the puree in a covered container and keep it fresh for 48 hours. Alternatively, it is possible to freeze parsnip puree in a freezer-safe reusable bag or an airtight container.

Can You Freeze Parsnips Whole Without Peeling And Cutting Them?

You can freeze parsnips without peeling or cutting them. However, we advise you clean and dry them properly before freezing. The freezing method is the same as described here. You can freeze whole parsnips raw or blanched, depending on your preferences.

Can You Freeze Parsnip Leftovers?

A lot depends on the recipe and the ingredients you have used for cooking the veggies. However, you can freeze parsnip leftovers in a freezer bag. However, they cannot last for extended periods. So, we recommend consuming them quickly.

Can You Freeze Baby Parsnips?

Yes, you can freeze baby parsnips raw. But these veggies do not last more than two to three months in the freezer.

Final Thoughts

Parsnips are seasonal vegetables. Generally, people purchase parsnips in bulk quantities because it is amongst the most straightforward vegetables to freeze. Besides, refreezing parsnips is also not an issue. Therefore, if I ask you now, ‘can you freeze parsnips.’ Your answer would be a simple YES.

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