Corn Grits vs Cornmeal

Corn Grits vs Cornmeal: Decoding the Corny Conundrum!

From the ancient civilizations of the Americas to modern-day kitchens worldwide, corn stands as a testament to human ingenuity and adaptation. Revered not just as a staple but as a symbol of life itself by indigenous peoples, its golden kernels have been transformed into countless dishes, each echoing a region’s tastes, traditions, and terroir.

Among the many derivatives of this versatile grain, two have carved a distinct identity in the culinary lexicon: grits and cornmeal. Both grounded in the essence of corn, they represent different textures, flavors, and cultural narratives. While they might seem similar or even interchangeable to the uninitiated, a deep dive into their origins, properties, and uses reveals a rich tapestry of stories and culinary potential.

Corn Grits vs Cornmeal Quick Comparison

Aspect Grits Cornmeal
Texture Coarser, akin to sand granules. Ranges from fine to coarse; even coarse is usually finer than grits.
Production Dried corn with its outer hull removed, ground to a granule. Dried corn kernels milled into fine, medium, or coarse meal.
Culinary Uses Served as porridge, often paired with cheese, shrimp, etc. Used in baking (cornbread), frying, thickening soups, and dishes like polenta.
Origins Strong roots in Native American and Southern U.S. traditions. Global significance; has been used in many cultures around the world.
Nutritional Profile Generally lower in calories but also lower in vitamins/minerals unless enriched. Offers dietary fiber, proteins, and various vitamins and minerals.
Interchangeability in Recipes Can be replaced with cornmeal, though may need texture and liquid adjustments. Can replace grits in some recipes, but the finer texture can change the dish’s outcome.

What are Grits?

Grits are a type of food made from corn (specifically dried, mature corn) that has been ground into a coarse meal. The resulting product, when cooked, offers a creamy texture with a subtle, earthy corn flavor. Grits are a staple in Southern American cuisine, often associated with comfort and homestyle cooking. The granular consistency of grits comes from the process of removing the hard outer hull of the corn kernel, leaving behind the starchy endosperm which is then ground.

Different Types of Grits

  1. Stone-Ground Grits: These are the most traditional form of grits and are produced by grinding corn between stone surfaces. This method retains more of the corn kernel, including the germ, giving stone-ground grits a richer flavor and texture. They take longer to cook, often requiring up to an hour, but their creamy consistency and depth of flavor are often considered superior.
  2. Instant Grits: As the name suggests, instant grits are processed to cook quickly, often in just a matter of minutes. This is achieved by precooking the grits, then drying and regrounding them. While they offer convenience, some purists believe that instant grits lack the full flavor and ideal texture of their stone-ground counterparts.

Regional Variations

  1. White Grits: Made from white corn, these grits have a slightly sweeter and milder flavor. They’re creamy in color and are commonly found throughout the Southern United States.
  2. Yellow Grits: Derived from yellow corn, yellow grits offer a more robust corn flavor and a vibrant color. They are often used interchangeably with white grits, though the choice often boils down to personal preference or regional traditions.

What is Cornmeal?

Cornmeal is a type of flour derived from dried corn kernels that have been finely ground. Its texture can range from powdery fine to gritty coarse, and its color typically oscillates between pale yellow to deep gold, depending on the type of corn used. It’s known for its versatility, serving as a foundational ingredient in myriad recipes across various cultures. Its flavor is distinctively “corn-like,” offering both sweetness and earthiness, and its consistency adds structure and crunch to many dishes.

Different Types of Cornmeal

  1. Fine Cornmeal: This variety is ground to a powdery consistency, almost akin to regular flour. Fine cornmeal is often used in recipes where a smoother texture is desired, such as in cornbread, pancakes, or certain baked goods.
  2. Medium Grind Cornmeal: Occupying a middle ground between fine and coarse, medium grind cornmeal offers a bit of texture without being overly gritty. It’s versatile and can be used in a variety of recipes, from breads to polenta.
  3. Coarse Grind Cornmeal: This variety retains a distinctly gritty texture, making it ideal for dishes that benefit from a grainier consistency. It’s commonly used in recipes like polenta or in certain rustic-style cornbreads.

Uses of Cornmeal in Cooking and Baking

  1. Baking: Cornmeal is a primary ingredient in cornbread, a staple in Southern American cuisine. It’s also used in muffins, pancakes, and certain types of cakes.
  2. Frying: Cornmeal serves as a crispy coating for fried foods, including catfish, okra, and chicken. It offers a unique texture and flavor compared to breadcrumbs or flour.
  3. Porridge: Just as grits are a type of porridge, cornmeal can also be cooked with water or milk to create a dish similar to cream of wheat. Different cultures have variations of this, like the Italian ‘polenta’ or the Romanian ‘mămăligă’.
  4. Thickening Agent: In sauces, stews, or soups, cornmeal can be used as a natural thickener.
  5. Pizza and Breads: Some pizza crust recipes incorporate cornmeal, both within the dough and sprinkled on the baking surface to prevent sticking. It lends a unique texture and flavor to the crust. Similarly, certain artisan breads might have a sprinkle of cornmeal on the base or crust for added texture.
  6. Tortillas and Tamales: While many traditional tortillas are made from masa harina, a type of corn flour processed with lime, some versions might incorporate cornmeal. Similarly, tamales can have a mix that includes cornmeal.

Key Differences: Grits vs. Cornmeal


  • Grits: As a derivative of corn, grits possess a coarser texture, akin to that of sand granules. When cooked, they produce a creamy, thick consistency that’s a staple in many Southern dishes.
  • Cornmeal: While cornmeal can range in texture from fine to coarse, even the coarsest cornmeal is generally finer than grits. The finer variants resemble the consistency of regular flour and are used to provide structure and a mild crunch in various recipes.


  • Grits: Grits are produced by taking dried corn, removing its hard outer hull, and then grinding the starchy endosperm. The grinding process for grits usually retains a larger granular size.
  • Cornmeal: Cornmeal is made by milling dried corn kernels into a fine, medium, or coarse meal. The milling process can vary based on the desired outcome and the type of corn used.

Culinary Uses

  • Grits: Predominantly used as a base for various dishes, grits are commonly boiled with water or milk to create a porridge-like consistency. They’re often paired with flavors like cheese, shrimp, or gravy. In essence, they play a central role in dishes, often serving as the main carbohydrate source.
  • Cornmeal: Far more versatile in its applications, cornmeal is extensively used in baking (think cornbread and muffins), frying (as a crispy coating for meats and vegetables), and even as a thickener for soups and sauces. It’s also the base for dishes like polenta and can serve as an alternative base for pizzas and certain breads.

Nutritional Profile

  • Grits: Generally speaking, a serving of grits (before any additions) is low in calories but also low in most vitamins and minerals. However, they provide a good source of carbohydrates and certain B vitamins. Many commercial brands of grits are enriched or fortified, meaning vitamins and minerals are added back after processing.
  • Cornmeal: Cornmeal is calorically denser than grits, given that it’s used in many baked and fried foods. It offers dietary fiber, proteins, and a range of vitamins and minerals including iron, magnesium, B-vitamins, and antioxidants. The nutritional profile can vary based on the type of corn used and how it’s processed.

Culinary Applications

Popular Recipes Using Grits

  1. Shrimp and Grits: A classic dish from the Southern U.S., this combines creamy grits with shrimp sautéed in a mix of garlic, onion, bell peppers, and often with a hint of spice and smokiness from bacon or sausage. The savory shrimp mixture contrasts beautifully with the smooth grits, creating a harmonious plate both in terms of flavor and texture.
  2. Cheese Grits: Infusing grits with the richness of cheese, this dish can either be a standalone meal or a side. Varieties of cheeses, from sharp cheddar to gouda, can be melded into the grits to give them a creamy, tangy edge.
  3. Grits Casserole: Incorporating elements like eggs, cheese, and sometimes meats, a grits casserole is a hearty breakfast or brunch dish. Once baked, it results in a melding of flavors with a delightful crusty top.

Popular Recipes Using Cornmeal

  1. Cornbread: A staple in many households, cornbread can be sweet or savory. Often baked in a skillet or a baking dish, it’s characterized by its golden hue and crumbly texture. Variations include adding jalapeños, cheese, or even kernels of corn for added texture and flavor.
  2. Polenta: An Italian dish, polenta is similar to grits in preparation but uses cornmeal. Once cooked to a creamy consistency, it can be served soft or allowed to set and then sliced and grilled or fried. It’s often paired with rich sauces, braised meats, or sautéed vegetables.
  3. Hushpuppies: These are deep-fried balls made from a mixture of cornmeal, flour, eggs, and seasonings. Often served as a side dish in Southern meals, they have a crispy exterior and a soft, flavorful interior.

Tips for Cooking with Both

  1. Stirring is Key: Especially when cooking grits or polenta, continuous stirring prevents lumps and ensures a creamy texture. Using a whisk can help break up any clumps that do form.
  2. Season Generously: Both grits and cornmeal can be relatively bland on their own, so it’s essential to season well. Whether it’s salt and pepper, cheese, or herbs, appropriate seasoning elevates the dish.
  3. Watch the Water Ratio: Depending on the desired consistency, adjust the liquid. For thicker grits or a firm polenta, use less liquid. For a creamier texture, you can add more.
  4. Prevent Sticking: When frying or baking with cornmeal, ensure your pans are well-oiled or buttered to prevent sticking.
  5. Experiment with Flavors: Both grits and cornmeal serve as a blank canvas. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different cheeses, herbs, spices, or accompaniments to make the dish uniquely yours.
  6. Cooking Time: Stone-ground grits and coarse cornmeal take longer to cook than instant varieties. Always check the package instructions and be prepared for longer cooking times with traditional varieties.

Substitution in Recipes: Grits vs Cornmeal

In certain culinary contexts, grits and cornmeal can be swapped for each other. However, there are some essential considerations to keep in mind when making such a switch.

Can you use one in place of the other?

Broadly, yes. Especially in recipes where the texture and granularity of the ingredient are less critical. For instance, if a dish calls for a cornmeal-based thickener, grits could potentially fill that role, and vice versa. However, the more specific the role of either ingredient in a recipe (like in cornbread or polenta), the more discernible the difference will be.

Potential adjustments needed in recipes

  1. Liquid Ratios: Grits typically absorb more liquid than cornmeal due to their coarser texture. If you’re swapping cornmeal for grits, you might need to increase the liquid a bit. Conversely, if replacing grits with cornmeal, you might need less liquid.
  2. Cooking Time: Grits, especially stone-ground varieties, often require a longer cooking time compared to most cornmeal. If you’re making a direct substitution, adjust the cooking time accordingly.
  3. Texture Adjustments: If a recipe calls for fine cornmeal and you only have coarse grits on hand, consider giving the grits a brief pulse in a blender or food processor to reduce the granularity.

How the switch might impact texture and flavor?

  1. Texture: The most noticeable difference will be in texture. Cornmeal, being generally finer, will provide a smoother texture, while grits will bring a more pronounced granularity to the dish. In recipes where texture plays a pivotal role, such as cornbread or polenta, the difference will be quite palpable.
  2. Flavor: The fundamental “corn” flavor is present in both, but due to the variations in processing, there can be slight nuances in taste. Grits might have a more whole-grain flavor, especially if they’re stone-ground. Cornmeal, especially when finely milled, might offer a slightly milder flavor.
  3. End Product: In some dishes, like cornbread, using grits instead of cornmeal might result in a denser, grittier bread. Conversely, using cornmeal in place of grits for something like shrimp and grits might yield a dish that’s smoother and less hearty than the traditional version.


What are grits made from?

Grits are made from dried corn, specifically a type called dent corn, from which the outer hull has been removed and the inner kernel ground.

Is cornmeal the same as grits?

No, while both are derived from corn, grits are coarser in texture, whereas cornmeal ranges from fine to coarse and is generally used in baking and frying.

Can I use grits as a substitute for cornmeal in a recipe?

It depends on the recipe. In some cases, you can, but adjustments to liquid ratios, cooking times, and processing (like grinding grits to a finer texture) might be needed. The end result’s texture will also differ.

Which is healthier: grits or cornmeal?

Both offer nutritional benefits, but they differ slightly. Cornmeal usually provides more dietary fiber, proteins, and a range of vitamins and minerals. However, many commercial grits are enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Why are my grits lumpy when I cook them?

Lumps can form if the cooking liquid isn’t hot enough when the grits are added or if they’re not stirred frequently. Ensure the water or milk is boiling, and whisk continuously, especially when first adding the grits.

Is polenta the same as cornmeal?

Polenta refers to both the dish and the type of cornmeal used to make it. The cornmeal for polenta is often medium to coarse-grained, similar to grits, but the corn type and processing might differ.

What is the difference between white and yellow grits (or cornmeal)?

The difference lies in the type of corn used. White grits are made from white corn, and yellow grits are from yellow corn. Similarly, cornmeal can be white or yellow. The choice between them is often a matter of regional or personal preference, and there’s a subtle taste difference between the two.

Can I make my own grits or cornmeal at home?

Yes, if you have access to dried corn and a good-quality grain mill or a powerful blender, you can produce homemade grits or cornmeal. The texture might vary based on the equipment used.

Why are grits popular in the Southern U.S.?

Grits have roots in Native American food traditions, and as European settlers adopted and adapted these traditions in the Southern U.S., grits became a staple, appreciated for their versatility, taste, and ability to complement various ingredients.

How should I store leftover cooked grits or cornmeal dishes?

Leftover cooked grits or dishes with cornmeal, like cornbread, should be refrigerated in airtight containers. They can be reheated in a microwave or on the stovetop, but adding a splash of liquid helps in restoring the original creamy texture of grits.

Are corn grits and cornmeal the same thing?

No, corn grits and cornmeal are not the same thing. Both are derived from corn, but they differ in texture and processing. Grits are made from dent corn and have a coarser texture, akin to granules.

They’re often used to create dishes with a creamy consistency, like the Southern staple, shrimp and grits. Cornmeal, on the other hand, is finely ground corn, which can vary from fine to coarse. It’s commonly used in baking, frying, and making dishes like polenta.

Are polenta and grits the same thing?

No, polenta and grits are not identical, though they are similar in many respects. Both are made from ground corn and can be cooked to a creamy consistency. The primary difference lies in the type of corn used and the processing method.

Grits are typically made from a type of corn called dent corn, mostly found in the U.S., especially the South. Polenta is made from a different variety of corn and is associated with Italian cuisine. The texture and flavor can vary slightly between the two based on these differences.

Can you substitute grits for cornmeal in cornbread?

Technically, yes, you can substitute grits for cornmeal in cornbread, but it will affect the texture and possibly the flavor of the end product. Cornmeal, especially when finely ground, provides a specific texture and crumb to cornbread.

Using grits, which are coarser, will result in a denser and grittier cornbread. If you do decide to use grits, you might consider processing them to a finer texture before using them in your recipe, and adjustments to liquid ratios may be needed.

What does blue cornmeal taste like?

Blue cornmeal, derived from blue corn, possesses a more robust and slightly nuttier flavor compared to its yellow or white counterparts. Some describe its taste as being sweeter and more intense.

In addition to its unique flavor, blue cornmeal has a striking deep blue or purplish hue, making it a visually appealing option for dishes like tortillas, cornbread, and pancakes. Nutritionally, blue corn and blue cornmeal are often considered richer in antioxidants due to their deep color.


Grits and cornmeal, both derived from the versatile and ancient grain that is corn, have carved out unique niches in the culinary world. Their roots trace back to ancient civilizations, most notably the Native Americans, who laid the foundation for many of the dishes we cherish today.

Characteristically, grits have a coarser texture and are known for their creamy, hearty consistency when cooked. They act as a culinary canvas in many Southern dishes, taking on flavors from cheese to shrimp, yet always retaining their distinctive mouthfeel. On the other hand, cornmeal, with its range from fine to coarse grinds, serves as a staple in myriad recipes, from the golden slices of cornbread to the crispy crust of fried foods and the soft allure of polenta.

Though they share a common origin, their differences in texture, flavor, and culinary applications make them distinct. Swapping one for the other in recipes requires careful consideration and, often, adjustments to ensure the integrity of the dish. But what remains undeniable is the pivotal role both play in global cuisine.

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