Eat Your Weeds
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! That’s how I feel about weeds. So, in my family, we go out with a basket in early spring and we forage for the very first spring leaves to sprout in the garden, under the hedges, along the driveway and the track that leads to our farmhouse.
We wash the leaves carefully, several times, and then use them for tarts, flans, ravioli, risotti, soups and salads.
If you pick white nettles {Lamium album} they do not sting at all, but if you want to pick stinging nettles then wear strong gloves and pick only the tips because they are sweeter. Go out in the early morning when the sun has not yet had a chance to shine on them.
In the April edition of The English Garden Magazine, I show you how to make a delicious nettle, potato and streaky bacon soup as a starter, so simple, frugal, rustic and quick.
The end of April marks the start of the British asparagus season, so a lovely asparagus and Somerset cheddar tart is showcased, with the best pastry you can make {fool proof!}. For pudding, as it is still partially one of the hungry-gap months when British fruits are nowhere to be seen, we make blood orange and rosemary cooked creams, flavoured with Courvoisier and vanilla seeds.
All the shots were taken in my kitchen by photographer Jason Ingram who has a brand new website, a veritable smorgasbord of delights! In the food section of his website you can see other shots he has taken during this two year series ~ across the seasons.
Victoria Mason, one of the editors of the magazine, Jason and I eat the results of the photo shoot so it’s not a bad job at all!
Whatever the weather, I hope you enjoy early spring in your garden and I hope you enjoy making the recipes too. Tweet me your results @SilvanadeS ~ I love to share your photos!