Fruits That Start with C

Fruits That Start with C (Complete List of 80+ Fruit Names)

Fruits that start with C offer a diverse array of flavors, colors, and textures. From the tart and tangy cranberry to the sweet and creamy custard apple, these fruits showcase nature’s bounty in a captivating way.

Whether you’re savoring the refreshing crunch of a cawesh, indulging in the tropical allure of a coconut, or relishing the zesty burst of flavor from a cumquat, the world of fruits starting with C is full of delightful surprises.

Join us on a journey through this letter of the alphabet as we explore the unique characteristics and fascinating stories behind these fruits beginning with C. Get ready to discover the C-licious world of fruits!

List of Fruits Starting with C


Cacao is a tropical fruit known for its role in chocolate production. Its pods contain seeds, or beans, which are used to make cocoa powder and chocolate. The cacao tree requires a warm and humid climate to thrive, typically found in regions near the equator. The beans are harvested, fermented, and dried before being processed. Cacao is not only delicious but also rich in antioxidants and can provide a natural mood boost.


Cactus is a unique fruit that grows in arid regions. It belongs to the family of succulent plants and comes in various shapes and sizes. The fruit is typically covered in thorny spikes for protection. Some cactus fruits, like prickly pears, are edible and have a sweet, juicy flavor. Cactus is often used in culinary dishes, juices, and even jams. Additionally, certain species of cactus have medicinal properties and are used in traditional medicine.


Caimito, also known as star apple, is a tropical fruit native to the Caribbean and Central America. It gets its name from the star-like pattern formed by the seeds when the fruit is sliced open. The fruit has a smooth, purple or green skin, and its flesh is sweet and juicy. Caimito is often eaten fresh or used in desserts and smoothies. It is a good source of dietary fiber and vitamins.


Cainito, commonly referred to as star apple or milk fruit, is a tropical fruit native to the West Indies. The fruit has a striking appearance, with its glossy purple or green skin and star-shaped pattern when sliced open. The flesh is soft and creamy, with a sweet flavor reminiscent of vanilla. Cainito is usually eaten fresh, and it can also be used in milkshakes, ice creams, and other desserts. The fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious treat.


Calabash is a versatile fruit that is widely grown in tropical regions. It is known for its unique shape, resembling a large bottle or gourd. The fruit has a hard shell that can be used for various purposes, such as making bowls, utensils, and musical instruments. Calabash can be consumed in its ripe form, with a sweet and watery flesh, or it can be dried and used as a container. In some cultures, the fruit is believed to have medicinal properties and is used in traditional remedies.


Calamansi is a small citrus fruit that is popular in Southeast Asia. It is similar in appearance to a small lime and has a tangy and sour flavor. Calamansi is often used as a condiment or flavoring agent in dishes, sauces, and beverages. It is also used in traditional medicine for its high vitamin C content and potential health benefits. The fruit is rich in antioxidants and is a refreshing addition to many recipes.


Calamondin is a hybrid citrus fruit that is a cross between a mandarin orange and a kumquat. It is native to the Philippines and is also known as calamansi in some regions. The fruit is small and round, with a thin, orange skin and sour flesh. Calamondin is used in various culinary applications, including marinades, sauces, and beverages. It is also a popular ingredient in marmalades and jams. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and provides a burst of citrus flavor to dishes.

Camu Camu Berry

Camu camu berry is a small fruit native to the Amazon rainforest in South America. It is known for its exceptionally high vitamin C content, which is one of the highest among all fruits. The fruit has a tangy flavor and is often used in the production of juices, smoothies, and dietary supplements. Camu camu berry is also believed to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is considered a superfood and has gained popularity for its potential health benefits.

Canary Melon

Canary melon is a large, oval-shaped fruit with a bright yellow rind and sweet, juicy flesh. It is named after its vibrant yellow color, reminiscent of canary birds. The melon has a mild and refreshing flavor, similar to a cantaloupe but with a slightly tangy undertone. Canary melon is a popular summer fruit, often enjoyed fresh or used in fruit salads, smoothies, and desserts. It is low in calories and a good source of vitamins A and C, making it a healthy and hydrating option.


Candlenut is a nut commonly found in tropical regions like Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is also known as the “Kukui nut” and has a high oil content, which led to its traditional use as a candle. The nut is often used in cooking, ground into a paste, and added to curries or sauces for a rich and nutty flavor. Candlenuts are a good source of healthy fats and protein.


Canistel, also known as eggfruit, is a fruit native to Central America. It gets its name from its unique texture, which resembles a cooked egg yolk. The fruit has a sweet and creamy flavor, similar to pumpkin or sweet potato. Canistel is often eaten fresh or used in desserts like puddings, pies, and ice creams. It is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.


Cantaloupe is a popular melon known for its sweet and refreshing taste. It has a juicy orange flesh and a rough, netted skin. Cantaloupes are rich in vitamins A and C and are a great source of hydration. They are commonly enjoyed fresh as a snack, in fruit salads, or blended into smoothies. The melon is also a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory recipes.

Cape Gooseberry

Cape gooseberry, also called goldenberry or physalis, is a small fruit wrapped in a papery husk. It is native to South America but is now grown in various regions around the world. Cape gooseberries have a unique sweet and tart flavor, with a hint of tropical notes. They can be eaten raw, used in jams and desserts, or added to savory dishes like salads and salsas. The fruit is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.

Caper Berries

Caper berries are the mature fruits of the caper plant, commonly used as a condiment or garnish. They have a distinctive oval shape, with a firm texture and tangy taste. Caper berries are often pickled in brine or vinegar, which enhances their flavor and gives them a pleasant crunch. They are commonly served alongside dishes like salads, cured meats, and cheese platters. Caper berries are a good source of antioxidants and add a burst of flavor to various culinary creations.

Capuli Cherry

Capuli cherry, also known as the Andean cherry, is a small fruit native to the Andean region of South America. It has a vibrant red color and a tart flavor similar to cranberries or sour cherries. Capuli cherries are commonly used in traditional beverages, jams, and desserts. They are also known for their potential health benefits due to their high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties.

Capulin Cherry

Capulin cherry, also known as wild black cherry, is a small cherry variety native to North and Central America. It has a deep purple to black color and a sweet-tart flavor. Capulin cherries are often used in jams, pies, and baked goods. They are also enjoyed fresh as a snack or used as a topping for desserts. The cherries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


Caqui, also known as persimmon, is a fruit that comes in various varieties. It has a smooth, orange skin and a sweet, honey-like flavor. Caqui fruits are usually eaten when fully ripe, as unripe ones can be astringent. They can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or used in baking. Caquis are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.


Carambola, also known as starfruit, is a tropical fruit with a distinctive star-like shape when sliced. It has a crisp and juicy texture, and its flavor can range from sweet to slightly tart. Carambola is commonly eaten fresh as a snack or used in salads, desserts, and beverages. It is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, making it a healthy choice.


Cardamom is a spice known for its intense and aromatic flavor. It is native to India and is widely used in both sweet and savory dishes. Cardamom pods contain small black seeds that are crushed or ground to release their flavor. The spice adds a unique and fragrant touch to beverages like tea and coffee, as well as to desserts, curries, and rice dishes. Cardamom is also believed to have various health benefits, including aiding digestion and freshening breath.


Carissa is a fruit that belongs to the Apocynaceae family. It is also known as Natal plum or Amatungulu. The fruit has a glossy red skin and a sweet-tart flavor. Carissa is often used in jams, jellies, and desserts. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can benefit the immune system.


Carob is a fruit that grows on the carob tree, a species native to the Mediterranean region. The fruit pods are dark brown and have a sweet taste similar to chocolate. Carob is often used as a substitute for cocoa powder or chocolate in baking. It is a good source of dietary fiber and contains no caffeine or theobromine.


Cashew is a popular tree nut that grows in tropical regions. It has a unique kidney-shaped appearance and a creamy, buttery taste. Cashews are often enjoyed as a snack or used in both sweet and savory dishes. They are a good source of healthy fats, protein, and various vitamins and minerals.

Cashew Apple

Cashew apple is the swollen fruit stem of the cashew tree. It has a bell-shaped appearance with a vibrant yellow or red color. The cashew apple is sweet and juicy, with a slightly astringent taste. It is commonly used to make refreshing juices, jams, and wines. Although the cashew apple is not as well-known as the cashew nut, it is a delicious and nutritious part of the cashew tree.


Cashews are the seeds that grow on the cashew tree. They are often referred to as nuts, although technically they are seeds. Cashews have a creamy and slightly sweet taste. They are a versatile ingredient used in cooking, baking, and as a topping for various dishes. Cashews are a good source of healthy fats, protein, and minerals such as magnesium and zinc.


Casimiro is a fruit that belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is also known as casimiroa or white sapote. The fruit has a green or yellow skin and a creamy, custard-like flesh. Casimiro fruits have a sweet and tropical flavor, often compared to a combination of pear, banana, and vanilla. They are commonly eaten fresh or used in desserts, smoothies, and ice creams.


Casimiroa, also known as casimiro or white sapote, is a fruit native to Mexico. It has a green or yellow skin and a soft, creamy texture. The flavor of casimiroa is sweet and reminiscent of tropical fruits. The fruit is often eaten fresh or used in desserts, milkshakes, and fruit salads. It is a good source of vitamins A and C.


Cassabanana is a fruit that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes melons and cucumbers. It has a long, cylindrical shape with a smooth, yellow skin. Cassabananas have a sweet and aromatic flesh with flavors of banana, melon, and pineapple. They are commonly used in preserves, jams, and chutneys. The fruit is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Catawba Grape

Catawba grape is a variety of grape that is native to the United States. It is known for its pinkish-red color and sweet flavor. Catawba grapes are often used for making juice, wine, and jellies. They can also be enjoyed fresh as a snack. The grapes are a good source of antioxidants and can be part of a healthy diet.

Cattley Guava

Cattley guava, also known as strawberry guava, is a small fruit with a tropical and tangy flavor. It has a reddish-pink skin and a soft, juicy flesh filled with small seeds. Cattley guavas are commonly eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and beverages. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Cavendish Banana

Cavendish banana is a popular variety of banana that is widely consumed worldwide. It has a yellow skin and a sweet, creamy flesh. Cavendish bananas are eaten fresh, added to smoothies, or used in baking. They are a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber.


Cawesh is a fruit native to Indonesia. It is also known as the snake fruit due to its scaly skin. The fruit has a sweet and tangy taste, with a texture similar to apples. Cawesh is commonly eaten fresh or used in desserts and preserves. It is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Cedar Bay Cherry

Cedar Bay cherry, also known as beach cherry or Eugenia reinwardtiana, is a fruit native to Australia. It has a bright red color and a tart, citrusy flavor. The fruit is often eaten fresh or used in jams, sauces, and desserts. Cedar Bay cherries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.


Cempedak is a tropical fruit that is closely related to the jackfruit. It has a large size and a spiky greenish-brown skin. The fruit has a sweet and fragrant taste, with a creamy and custard-like texture. Cempedak is commonly eaten fresh or used in desserts, fritters, and ice creams. It is a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin C.

Ceylon Gooseberry

Ceylon gooseberry, also known as Malabar gooseberry or Nelli fruit, is a small fruit native to Sri Lanka and southern India. It has a tart and tangy flavor, similar to tamarind or lemon. Ceylon gooseberries are often used in chutneys, pickles, and culinary dishes. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.


Changunga is a fruit native to Central and South America. It has a round shape and a bright orange color when ripe. The fruit has a sweet and tropical flavor, similar to mango or papaya. Changunga is commonly eaten fresh or used in juices and desserts. It is a good source of vitamins A and C.


Charichuelo is a fruit native to the Amazon rainforest. It has a unique shape, with a greenish-yellow exterior and a white, pulpy interior. The fruit has a sweet and tangy taste, reminiscent of pineapple and lychee. Charichuelo is often eaten fresh or used in beverages and desserts. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals.


Chayote is a vegetable that is often considered a fruit due to its culinary uses. It has a pale green color and a mild, crisp texture. Chayote can be eaten raw in salads, cooked in stir-fries, or used in soups and stews. It is low in calories and a good source of fiber and vitamins.


Cherimoya is a fruit native to South America. It has a green, scaly skin and a creamy, custard-like flesh. The fruit has a sweet and tropical flavor, often described as a combination of banana, pineapple, and strawberry. Cherimoya is commonly eaten fresh or used in smoothies and desserts. It is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber.


Cherry is a fruit that belongs to the Prunus genus. It comes in various varieties and colors, such as red, black, and yellow. Cherries have a sweet and juicy flesh. They are commonly eaten fresh or used in baking, jams, and preserves. Cherries are rich in antioxidants and provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Cherry Plum

Cherry plum is a fruit that is a hybrid between a cherry and a plum. It has a small size and a sweet and tangy taste. Cherry plums can be eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and baked goods. They are a good source of vitamins and dietary fiber.


Chestnut is a nut that grows on trees belonging to the Castanea genus. It has a hard, spiky outer shell and a sweet, starchy flesh. Chestnuts are often roasted or boiled and enjoyed during the fall and winter seasons. They are used in both savory and sweet dishes, such as soups, stuffing, and desserts. Chestnuts are a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and various minerals.


Chilacayote is a type of squash that is native to Mexico. It has a large, elongated shape and a hard, greenish-yellow skin. The fruit is often used in savory dishes, soups, and stews. It can also be candied or used in preserves and desserts. Chilacayote is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber.

Chinese Bayberry

Chinese bayberry, also known as Yangmei or waxberry, is a fruit native to China. It has a small size and a red or purple skin. The fruit has a sweet and juicy flesh with a tart undertone. Chinese bayberries are commonly eaten fresh or used in beverages, jams, and desserts. They are a good source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Chinese Quince

Chinese quince, also known as mogwa or Chinese flowering quince, is a fruit native to China and Korea. It has a yellow or greenish-yellow skin and a crisp, tart flesh. Chinese quince is often used in jams, jellies, and preserves. The fruit is also believed to have medicinal properties and is used in traditional herbal medicine.

Chinese White Pear

Chinese white pear, also known as Ya pear, is a type of pear native to China. It has a crisp and juicy flesh with a sweet and slightly tangy taste. Chinese white pears are commonly eaten fresh or used in salads and desserts. They are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin C.


Chokeberry, also known as Aronia, is a fruit native to North America. It comes in red and black varieties. Chokeberries have a tart and astringent flavor, which is why they are often used in jams, jellies, and baked goods. They are rich in antioxidants and are believed to have various health benefits.


Chokecherry is a fruit that grows on trees native to North America. It has a small size and a dark red to purple-black color. Chokecherries have a tart taste and are often used in jams, jellies, and syrups. They can also be used in baking or enjoyed fresh, although they can be quite astringent.


Cloudberry is a fruit that grows in cold, northern regions, including Scandinavia and parts of North America. It has a bright orange color and a tart, sweet flavor. Cloudberry is often used in jams, jellies, and desserts. It is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Cluster Fig

Cluster fig, also known as Ficus racemosa, is a fruit that grows on the cluster fig tree. It has a small size and a sweet, juicy flesh. Cluster figs are often eaten fresh or used in jams and preserves. They are rich in antioxidants and provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Cocky Apple

Cocky apple, also known as Planchonella australis, is a fruit native to Australia. It has a round shape and a reddish-brown skin. Cocky apples have a sweet and creamy flesh, similar to custard. They are commonly eaten fresh or used in desserts and ice creams. The fruit is a good source of vitamins and dietary fiber.

Coco Plum

Coco plum is a fruit that grows in tropical and subtropical regions, including the Caribbean and Florida. It has a small size and a purple or black color when ripe. Coco plums have a sweet and tart taste, similar to a mix of plum and cherry. They are often eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and sauces.


Cocoa is a fruit that grows on the cocoa tree, native to Central and South America. It has a large size and a rough, brownish exterior. Inside the fruit are cocoa beans, which are used to produce chocolate and cocoa products. Cocoa has a bitter taste and is rich in antioxidants.


Cocona is a fruit that grows in tropical regions, including parts of South America. It has a round shape and a bright orange or yellow skin. Cocona has a tangy and citrusy flavor, similar to a mix of tomatoes and lemons. It is commonly used in sauces, salsas, and juices. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and provides essential nutrients.


Coconut is a fruit that grows on the coconut palm tree. It has a large size and a hard, fibrous husk. Inside the husk is the white flesh known as coconut meat and the refreshing coconut water. Coconuts are used in various culinary dishes, desserts, and beverages. They are a good source of healthy fats and provide hydration.


Cocoplum is a fruit that grows in tropical and subtropical regions, including the Caribbean and Florida. It has a small size and a purple or red color when ripe. Cocoplums have a sweet and tart taste, similar to a mix of plum and cherry. They are often eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and desserts.


Coffee is a fruit that grows on the coffee plant. The fruit, known as a coffee cherry, contains the coffee beans. Coffee beans are harvested, roasted, and ground to produce coffee, a popular beverage enjoyed worldwide. It has a rich and distinct flavor and contains caffeine, which provides a stimulating effect.

Coffee Cherry

Coffee cherry is the fruit of the coffee plant. It has a round shape and a bright red or purple color when ripe. Inside the cherry are the coffee beans, which are extracted, roasted, and ground to make coffee. The fruit itself has a sweet and tart taste and is sometimes used in culinary applications.


Coffeeberry is the fruit of the coffee plant, which contains the coffee beans. It has a small size and a dark red or purple color when ripe. Coffeeberries have a slightly sweet and tangy taste. While they are not commonly consumed directly, extracts from coffeeberries are used in certain food products and supplements due to their high antioxidant content.

Comice Pear

Comice pear is a variety of pear that is known for its juicy and buttery flesh. It has a round shape and a yellow or green skin. Comice pears are often eaten fresh or used in salads and desserts. They have a sweet and delicate flavor, making them a popular choice among pear enthusiasts.

Common Apple Berry

Common apple berry, also known as Billardiera scandens, is a fruit native to Australia. It has a small size and a purple or black color when ripe. Common apple berries have a sweet and tangy taste, similar to a mix of apples and berries. They are often eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and desserts.

Common Cardamom

Common cardamom is a spice derived from the seeds of the cardamom plant. It has a strong, aromatic flavor and is commonly used in both sweet and savory dishes. Common cardamom adds a warm and slightly citrusy taste to foods and beverages. It is also known for its potential health benefits, including digestive support and antioxidant properties.

Common Currant

Common currant, also known as Ribes rubrum, is a small fruit that comes in red, white, and black varieties. It has a tart and slightly sweet flavor. Common currants are often used in jams, jellies, and baked goods. They are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Concord Grape

Concord grape is a dark-purple grape variety known for its rich, sweet flavor. It is commonly used for making grape juice, jams, and jellies. Concord grapes have a thick skin and a juicy pulp. They are a good source of antioxidants and provide various vitamins and minerals.

Conference Pear

Conference pear is a variety of pear that is popular in Europe. It has a long and slender shape with a yellow or green skin. Conference pears have a sweet and slightly tart flavor with a smooth, juicy texture. They are often eaten fresh or used in salads and desserts. Conference pears are a good source of fiber and vitamin C.


Conkerberry, also known as Carissa lanceolata, is a fruit native to Australia. It has a small size and a bright red color when ripe. Conkerberries have a tart and slightly sweet taste. They are often used in jams, sauces, and desserts. The fruit is rich in antioxidants and provides essential vitamins and minerals.

Cornelian Cherry

Cornelian cherry, also known as Cornus mas, is a fruit native to Europe and Asia. It has a small size and a bright red or yellow color when ripe. Cornelian cherries have a tart and tangy taste, similar to cranberries or sour cherries. They are often used in jams, compotes, and alcoholic beverages. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Cortland Apple

Cortland apple is a variety of apple that is known for its bright red color and crisp texture. It has a sweet and slightly tart flavor. Cortland apples are often eaten fresh or used in salads, pies, and sauces. They are a good source of fiber and vitamin C.


Courbaril, also known as Hymenaea courbaril, is a fruit native to tropical regions in the Americas. It has a large size and a hard, woody shell. Inside the shell are edible seeds surrounded by a sweet, aromatic pulp. Courbaril fruits are often used in traditional medicine and have cultural significance in indigenous communities.


Courgette, also known as zucchini, is a vegetable that is often considered a fruit due to its culinary uses. It has a green or yellow skin and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. Courgettes are versatile and can be used in various dishes, such as stir-fries, salads, and grilled preparations. They are low in calories and a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Crab Apple

Crab apple is a small apple variety that is usually sour or tart in taste. It comes in a range of colors, including red, yellow, and green. Crab apples are often used in making jams, jellies, and cider. They can also be eaten fresh or used as a decorative element in culinary presentations.


Cranberry is a tart and vibrant red fruit that is native to North America. It is commonly consumed as cranberry juice or used in sauces, jams, and baked goods. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants and are known for their potential health benefits, particularly for urinary tract health.

Crenshaw Melon

Crenshaw melon is a large and sweet melon variety that is a cross between a cantaloupe and a Persian melon. It has a pale yellow to orange flesh with a delicate flavor. Crenshaw melons are often enjoyed fresh as a refreshing snack or used in fruit salads and desserts.


Crowberry is a small, dark purple to black fruit that grows in cold regions, including the Arctic and subarctic areas. It has a tart and slightly sweet taste. Crowberries are commonly used in jams, sauces, and desserts. They are rich in antioxidants and are traditionally valued for their medicinal properties.


Cucamelon, also known as Mexican sour gherkin or mouse melon, is a tiny fruit that resembles a miniature watermelon. It has a refreshing and tangy flavor, similar to a cucumber with a hint of citrus. Cucamelons are often eaten fresh as a snack or used in salads and pickles. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals.


Cucumber is a widely cultivated vegetable that is technically a fruit due to its botanical classification. It has a cool and crisp texture with a mild, refreshing taste. Cucumbers are commonly used in salads, sandwiches, and refreshing beverages like cucumber water. They are low in calories and a good source of hydration.

Cucumis Metuliferus

Cucumis metuliferus, also known as horned melon or kiwano, is an exotic fruit native to Africa. It has a spiky orange or yellow skin and a vibrant green, jelly-like flesh with a tart and slightly sweet taste. Cucumis metuliferus is often eaten fresh or used in fruit salads and desserts.


Cumquat is a small, oval-shaped fruit with a bright orange color and a thin, edible skin. It has a sweet and tangy flavor, with the flesh being slightly sour. Cumquats are often consumed whole, including the skin, or used in preserves, jams, and cocktails. They are rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber.


Cupuacu is a tropical fruit native to the Amazon rainforest. It has a round shape and a brown, woody exterior. Cupuacu has a creamy and aromatic white pulp with a sweet and tangy taste, similar to a blend of chocolate and pineapple. The fruit is often used in juices, ice creams, and desserts. It is also known for its high antioxidant content.


Currant is a small, tart berry that comes in red, black, and white varieties. It has a juicy texture and a slightly sour taste. Currants are commonly used in jams, jellies, and baked goods. They are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Custard Apple

Custard apple, also known as sugar apple or sweetsop, is a tropical fruit with a bumpy green skin and creamy white flesh. It has a sweet and custard-like flavor, hence the name. Custard apples are often eaten fresh or used in smoothies, ice creams, and desserts. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

In conclusion, fruits that start with the letter “C” bring a delightful array of tastes, textures, and nutritional benefits to our tables. Whether you’re enjoying the tangy goodness of cranberries, the juicy sweetness of crenshaw melons, or the refreshing crunch of cucumbers, these fruits add vibrancy and flavor to our meals.

From the exotic and unique cupuacu to the familiar and comforting taste of cherries, the fruits starting with “C” remind us of the incredible diversity found in nature’s bounty. So next time you’re in the produce aisle, don’t forget to explore the fantastic world of fruits beginning with “C” and savor the deliciousness they have to offer.

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