Fruits That Start with E

Fruits That Start with E (Complete List of 30+ Fruit Names)

Fruits that start with E encompass a fascinating assortment of flavors, textures, and origins. From the exotic and tropical delights of etawak and emu apple fruit to the familiar favorites like European pears and elderberries, these fruits offer a diverse and enticing culinary experience.

Whether it’s the vibrant colors of entawak and ephedra or the unique tastes of etrog and evergreen huckleberry, fruits starting with E bring a sense of adventure to our palates.

Join us as we delve into the world of fruits beginning with E and discover the unique qualities and flavors that each one possesses.

List of Fruits Starting with E

Early Girl Tomato

The Early Girl tomato is a popular variety known for its early ripening. It produces medium-sized, juicy tomatoes that have a sweet and tangy flavor. Early Girl tomatoes are prized by gardeners for their ability to bear fruit quickly, making them ideal for regions with shorter growing seasons. They are delicious when used in salads, sandwiches, and sauces, adding a burst of freshness to dishes.

Early Gold Mango

The Early Gold mango is a tropical fruit variety that ripens early in the mango season. It has a golden-yellow skin and a smooth, creamy flesh that is juicy and sweet. E

arly Gold mangoes are highly regarded for their exceptional flavor and fragrance. They are enjoyed fresh as a refreshing snack, used in smoothies, or incorporated into various culinary preparations, bringing a taste of the tropics to the table.

Eastern Hawthorn

Eastern Hawthorn, also known as Crataegus aestivalis, is a small fruit-bearing tree native to eastern North America. It produces small, red berries known as haws.

The berries have a tart and slightly sweet flavor and are commonly used in making jellies, jams, and sauces. Eastern Hawthorn is also valued for its ornamental qualities, with clusters of white flowers adorning the tree in spring and vibrant red fruits in the fall.

Edward Mango

The Edward mango, also called the Edward variety, is a tropical fruit known for its large size and rich flavor. It has a greenish-yellow skin that develops a red blush when fully ripe.

The flesh is smooth, fiber-free, and intensely sweet. Edward mangoes are a popular choice for eating fresh, blending into smoothies, or using in desserts. They are widely celebrated for their aromatic fragrance and delicious taste.

Egg Fruit

Egg fruit, also known as canistel or yellow sapote, is a tropical fruit native to Central America. It gets its name from its egg-like shape and texture.

Egg fruit has a creamy, custard-like flesh that is sweet and slightly savory, resembling the flavor of cooked sweet potatoes. It is commonly eaten fresh or used in desserts, ice creams, and shakes. Egg fruit is highly nutritious, packed with vitamins A and C, fiber, and potassium.


Eggplant, also called aubergine, is a versatile fruit that is used as a vegetable in culinary preparations. It has a smooth, glossy purple skin and a creamy flesh. Eggplant has a mild, slightly bitter taste and a spongy texture when cooked.

It is a staple ingredient in various cuisines around the world, commonly used in dishes such as ratatouille, moussaka, and baba ganoush. Eggplant is low in calories and rich in antioxidants, making it a healthy addition to a balanced diet.


Egusi, also known as melon seed, is a type of seed commonly used in African cuisine. It comes from a variety of melons, particularly the white melon. Egusi seeds have a high fat content and a nutty flavor.

They are often ground into a paste or powder and used as a base for soups, stews, and sauces. Egusi is a versatile ingredient that adds a unique taste and thickens the texture of dishes.

Elands Sourfig

Elands Sourfig, scientifically known as Carpobrotus elatus, is a succulent plant native to South Africa. It produces vibrant pink or purple flowers and edible fruits.

The fruits are juicy and have a sour taste, often used to make preserves, jams, and syrups.

Elands Sourfig is also known for its medicinal properties, traditionally used to treat ailments such as skin irritations and coughs. Additionally, it serves as an ornamental plant, adorning gardens with its colorful flowers.


Elderberry is a small, dark purple fruit that grows on the elder tree. It has a tart and slightly sweet flavor. Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. They are used to make jams, jellies, syrups, and wines.

Elderberry-based products are also popular for their potential immune-boosting properties. Elderberries are enjoyed in various culinary and medicinal applications, contributing their distinct taste and potential health benefits.

Elephant Apple

Elephant apple, also known as wood apple or elephant apple, is a fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a tough, woody exterior and a fibrous, aromatic flesh. Elephant apples have a tangy and slightly sweet taste.

They are commonly used to make refreshing drinks, chutneys, and pickles. The fruit is also valued for its medicinal properties and is believed to aid digestion and treat respiratory conditions.


Emblica, also known as Indian gooseberry or amla, is a small green fruit that grows on the Phyllanthus emblica tree. It is highly recommended in Ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits.

Emblica is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, known for promoting immunity and supporting overall well-being.

It has a sour and tangy taste and is commonly used in making preserves, chutneys, and juices. Emblica is also believed to promote healthy hair and skin, making it a popular ingredient in beauty products.

Emu Apple Fruit

Emu apple fruit, also called bush apple or green plum, is a native Australian fruit. It has a greenish-yellow skin and a tart, juicy flesh. Emu apple fruits are traditionally eaten by Indigenous Australians and are known for their refreshing taste.

They are also used in making jams, sauces, and desserts. People like it for its high vitamin C content and its ability to thrive in arid environments.

Emu Berry

Emu berry, scientifically known as Kunzea pomifera, is a small fruit native to Australia. It has a round shape and a purple-black skin. Emu berries have a sweet and tangy taste with hints of spice.

They are often enjoyed fresh or used in desserts, jams, and sauces. Emu berry plants are hardy and resilient, growing in harsh conditions. They are important for native wildlife, serving as a food source for birds and animals.


Enset, also known as Ethiopian banana or false banana, is a plant native to Ethiopia. It produces large, elongated fruits that resemble bananas.

Enset fruits are starchy and fibrous, with a mild flavor. They are typically cooked before consumption, as they are not commonly eaten raw. Enset plays a vital role in Ethiopian cuisine, where the plant’s leaves and stem are also used in traditional dishes.


Ensete, commonly known as the Abyssinian banana, is a genus of large, ornamental plants belonging to the banana family. While not typically grown for its fruit, Ensete produces edible fruits that are similar to bananas in appearance.

These fruits are starchy and less sweet compared to common bananas. Ensete plants are primarily cultivated for their striking foliage, making them popular as ornamental plants in gardens and landscapes.


Entawak, also known as snake fruit or salak, is a tropical fruit native to Indonesia. It has a reddish-brown scaly skin, resembling snake scales. Entawak fruits have a sweet and tangy taste, with a crunchy texture. They are often enjoyed fresh, peeled, or used in various culinary preparations.

Entawak is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious snack. Its unique appearance and exotic flavor have made it popular both domestically and internationally.

Enterprise Apple

Enterprise apple is a variety of apple known for its exceptional storage qualities. It has a firm and crisp texture with a balanced, sweet-tart flavor. Enterprise apples are highly resistant to diseases, making them a popular choice among apple growers.

They are enjoyed fresh, used in cooking, or pressed for cider production. Enterprise apples are known for their long shelf life and ability to retain their flavor and quality for extended periods.


Ephedra, also known as jointfir or Mormon tea, is a plant species that produces small cone-like structures containing seeds. It is commonly used in traditional medicine for its stimulant properties.

Ephedra has a long history of use in herbal remedies and dietary supplements, primarily for respiratory conditions and weight loss.

However, it is important to note that the use of ephedra products should be approached with caution due to potential health risks and regulatory restrictions.


Etawak, also known as sugarcane fruit or Pouteria campechiana, is a tropical fruit found in Central and South America. It has a round shape with a green or yellow skin and a sweet, juicy flesh. Etawak fruits are often compared to the taste of sugarcane, with a mild caramel-like flavor.

They are enjoyed fresh or used in desserts, smoothies, and jams. Etawak is valued for its high sugar content and its versatility in culinary applications.


Etrog, also called citron, is a citrus fruit that is primarily used for religious and ceremonial purposes, particularly in Jewish traditions. It has a thick, bumpy rind and a fragrant, tangy flesh.

Etrog is highly symbolic and is traditionally used during the Jewish festival of Sukkot. While it is not commonly consumed as a food, the etrog rind is sometimes used for making preserves or candied peel.

European Pear

European pear, also known as Pyrus communis, is a popular fruit widely cultivated across Europe and other parts of the world. It has a rounded shape with a smooth, thin skin.

European pears have a sweet and juicy flesh with a delicate flavor. They are enjoyed fresh, sliced in salads, or used in baking and cooking. European pears come in various varieties, each with its own unique characteristics and taste profiles.

Evergreen Dogwood

Evergreen dogwood, scientifically known as Cornus capitata, is a tree native to Asia. It produces small, rounded fruits that turn red when ripe. Evergreen dogwood fruits have a sweet and tangy taste, similar to strawberries or raspberries.

They are often consumed fresh or used in making preserves and jellies. Trees are popular for their beautiful flowers and foliage, adding ornamental value to gardens and landscapes.

Evergreen Huckleberry

Evergreen huckleberry, scientifically known as Vaccinium ovatum, is a shrub that grows in the western regions of North America. It bears small, round berries that range in color from red to dark purple when fully ripe.

Evergreen huckleberries have a sweet and tart taste with hints of wildness. They are enjoyed fresh, used in baked goods, or transformed into jams, sauces, and syrups. Evergreen huckleberries are appreciated for their natural abundance and the unique flavor they bring to culinary creations.

In conclusion, fruits that start with the letter “E” showcase the abundance and diversity found in the natural world. From the luscious sweetness of etawak and European pears to the unique flavors of emu apple fruit and elderberries, these fruits offer a delightful range of tastes and textures.

Whether you’re exploring the tropical wonders of exotic fruits like etrog and entawak or savoring the familiar comforts of everyday favorites like elderberries and evergreen huckleberries, fruits beginning with “E” provide a captivating culinary experience.

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