Scallion Substitutes

Scallions Missing? These Substitutes Will Transform Your Cooking Game!

Scallions, often confused with green onions, are a type of young onion. Unlike mature onions, which develop a round, fleshy bulb, scallions have elongated bulbs with straight white stalks that transition into vibrant green tops. These greens are hollow, tender, and boast a lighter, more herbaceous flavor than their white counterparts.

The beauty of scallions lies in their mildness, which is less aggressive than that of regular onions. Their white bulb has a slightly sharper flavor, reminiscent of traditional onions but without the overwhelming intensity. This makes them suitable for both raw and cooked applications, from being a fresh component in salads to a delicate addition in stir-fries.

However, imagine being in the midst of preparing a favorite dish, and upon rummaging through the refrigerator, you realize you’re out of scallions. It’s a situation many have faced, prompting a need for a worthy stand-in. Finding a perfect scallion substitute isn’t just about mimicking its flavor – texture, appearance, and the way it reacts to heat can all play a part.

List of Scallion Substitutes

Green Onions

The terms “scallions” and “green onions” are often used interchangeably in recipes and grocery stores alike. This common mix-up stems from the striking similarity between the two. However, in truth, there’s little difference to discern because they are, for all practical purposes, the same thing!

Flavor & Texture

  • Appearance: Like scallions, green onions possess long, thin stalks that are white at the base and transition to a deep green at the tips. The bulbs of green onions are elongated and not fully developed, much like scallions.
  • Flavor: The taste of green onions is nearly identical to scallions, with a mild onion flavor. The white bulb is slightly pungent, while the green tops are milder and fresher.
  • Texture: Green onions, like scallions, have a crisp texture, which makes them an excellent addition to dishes both as a primary ingredient or as a garnish.

Best Usage

Given their striking similarities, green onions can be used as a direct 1:1 substitute for scallions in virtually any scenario:

  1. Raw Applications: Use them in salads, sandwiches, and as toppings for a variety of dishes like tacos or baked potatoes.
  2. Cooking: Saute, grill, or roast green onions as you would with scallions. They can be incorporated into stir-fries, stews, or grilled dishes.
  3. Garnish: The green tops can be finely chopped and sprinkled over finished dishes for a burst of color and subtle onion flavor.


Chives, with their slender, bright-green appearance and onion-like flavor, serve as a wonderful alternative to scallions in various culinary applications. This perennial herb, part of the Allium family which also includes garlic, onions, and leeks, offers a unique blend of aesthetics and taste that can elevate a dish.

Flavor Profile

  • Appearance: Chives are very thin and fine, almost like green grass blades, but with a vibrant green hue throughout. They lack the white bulb that scallions have.
  • Flavor: While chives share the mild onion-like taste characteristic of scallions, they possess a more delicate and less pungent flavor. There’s also a subtle hint of garlic, setting them apart from scallions slightly.

When to Use Chives as a Substitute

  1. Garnishing: Chives are best used raw and are an ideal garnish for dishes like salads, soups, omelets, and baked potatoes, imparting both color and flavor.
  2. Dips and Sauces: Their mild flavor makes chives a favorite in creamy dips, sauces, and dressings where you want a hint of onion without overpowering other flavors.
  3. Stuffing and Mix-ins: Add chives to your favorite stuffing mix, frittata, or potato salad for a gentle oniony touch.
Things to Consider
  • Cooking with Heat: Chives are delicate and lose their flavor rapidly when subjected to prolonged heat. If substituting for scallions in cooked dishes, add chives towards the end of the cooking process.
  • Texture and Appearance: Since chives lack the white bulb, they can’t fully replicate the crunchy texture or visual contrast that scallions offer in some dishes.


While leeks might seem like a bulkier and more intense cousin to the scallion, they can step in as a flavorful and visually appealing replacement in various culinary situations. A member of the Allium family, leeks share certain taste profiles with onions, garlic, and yes, scallions, making them a valuable ingredient when scallions are nowhere to be found.

Flavor Profile, and Preparation

  • Appearance: Leeks are larger and thicker than scallions, with bundled sheaths that form an elongated cylinder. The base is white, transitioning to light green and then dark green as it approaches the leafy tops.
  • Flavor: The white and light green parts of leeks have a sweet, mild onion flavor, while the dark green tops are tougher and have a more intense taste.
  • Preparation: Before using leeks, it’s vital to clean them thoroughly since sand and dirt can be trapped between the layers. Slice off the root end and the tough dark green tops. Split the leek lengthwise and rinse under cold water, fanning out the layers to remove any hidden grit.

Tips for Substituting with Leeks

  1. Raw Applications: Given their more substantial texture, raw leeks can be a bit overpowering in dishes that call for raw scallions. However, when thinly sliced, they can still add a pleasant crunch and flavor to salads.
  2. Cooking: Leeks shine when sautéed, braised, or roasted. They can be used in soups, stews, and stir-fries, or even caramelized to bring out their inherent sweetness.
  3. Garnishing: While the softer parts of leeks can be finely chopped for garnish, they won’t provide the same fresh, light flavor as scallion greens. Instead, they’ll impart a more robust onion taste.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Quantity: Due to leeks’ larger size and more pronounced flavor, you might want to adjust the quantity when using them as a substitute for scallions. Typically, a small leek can replace about three to four scallions, but always adjust to taste.
  • Texture: Leeks are more fibrous and have a heartier texture than scallions. When substituting in a recipe, consider if this change in texture will significantly affect the dish.

Spring Onions

Often overlooked in the shadows of its close relatives, the spring onion is a seasonal delight with attributes that beautifully bridge the gap between common onions and scallions. Its versatility and distinctive flavor profile make it a noteworthy substitute when scallions aren’t within reach.

Flavor Profile

  • Appearance: At first glance, spring onions can be mistaken for scallions. They have a similar structure: a white bulb at the base and green tops. However, the bulb of a spring onion is more rounded and defined compared to the elongated bulb of a scallion.
  • Flavor: Spring onions have a stronger, more pronounced onion flavor than scallions but are still milder than regular onions. The bulb offers a sharpness, while the greens tend to be slightly sweet with a mild pungency.

How to Substitute with Spring Onions

  1. Raw Applications: Spring onions can be sliced and used in salads, salsas, and other dishes where you’d typically use raw scallions. Given their bolder flavor, you might want to adjust the quantity to ensure the taste isn’t overpowering.
  2. Cooking: The bulbs and the greens can be sautéed, roasted, or grilled. They add depth to stir-fries, omelets, and various meat dishes.
  3. Garnishing: The green tops can be chopped and sprinkled on finished dishes, much like scallion greens. They provide both a burst of color and a subtle oniony flavor.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Adjusting for Intensity: Since spring onions have a more potent flavor than scallions, it’s wise to start with a smaller amount and adjust according to taste.
  • Cooking the Bulbs: The rounded bulbs of spring onions can be treated similarly to regular onions in recipes, adding both texture and flavor to a dish.


Elegant and nuanced, shallots have long been a secret weapon in gourmet kitchens. A member of the onion family, shallots bring depth and sophistication to dishes, making them a worthy substitute for scallions in recipes that call for a more refined touch.

Flavor Profile, and Characteristics

  • Appearance: Shallots are smaller than regular onions and are often elongated or oval in shape. Their skin can range from a rosy pink to a deep purple, and when peeled, they often reveal multiple cloves within, similar to garlic.
  • Flavor: Shallots boast a sweet, mild onion flavor with a hint of garlic. They lack the sharpness of regular onions, offering instead a delicate and somewhat richer taste.

Shallots as a Substitute

  1. Raw Applications: Finely chopped or thinly sliced shallots can be introduced into salads, dressings, or salsas. Their sweet undertone can add a gourmet touch to dishes that typically use raw scallions.
  2. Cooking: Shallots can be sautéed, caramelized, roasted, or even fried to create crispy shallot toppings. Their natural sugars lend themselves to beautiful caramelization, which can enhance the flavor of sauces, gravies, and meat dishes.
  3. Garnishing: Crispy fried shallots are a popular garnish in many Asian dishes, providing both flavor and texture contrast.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Intensity and Sweetness: Shallots are sweeter than scallions, so they can alter the flavor profile of a dish. When substituting, adjust quantities and taste as you go.
  • Texture: Shallots have a softer texture when cooked compared to the crispiness of raw scallions. This difference should be kept in mind when seeking a direct substitution, especially in raw dishes.

White Onions

Almost every kitchen pantry boasts the presence of the trusty white onion. As a foundational ingredient in numerous cuisines around the world, the white onion is a versatile player that can, in certain situations, stand in for scallions with its distinct flavor and adaptability.

Flavor Profile, and Traits

  • Appearance: White onions are round, medium to large in size, and are covered in a papery white skin. Inside, they reveal a crisp, pale white flesh.
  • Flavor: Among the various onion varieties, white onions have a sharp, pungent flavor when raw, which mellows and sweetens considerably upon cooking.

Substituting with White Onions

  1. Raw Applications: If a recipe requires raw scallions, white onions should be used sparingly due to their stronger flavor. Thinly sliced or finely chopped white onions can be mellowed out by soaking them in cold water for about 10-15 minutes, which reduces their bite and makes them more suitable for salads, salsas, or toppings.
  2. Cooking: White onions are incredibly versatile when it comes to cooking. They can be sautéed, caramelized, roasted, or used in stews and soups. While they won’t replicate the exact flavor of scallions, they provide a pleasant oniony depth to dishes.
  3. Garnishing: While not as commonly used as a garnish as scallions, finely chopped white onions can be sprinkled over certain dishes, especially if they’ve been mellowed through soaking.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Flavor Strength: Given the potent flavor of white onions, especially when raw, it’s important to adjust the quantity and preparation method to avoid overpowering a dish.
  • Texture Variance: White onions, especially when cooked, have a different texture than scallions. This change should be kept in mind when aiming for a specific consistency in dishes.

Green Bell Peppers

Diverging slightly from our onion-themed trajectory, green bell peppers offer an intriguing alternative to scallions. While they don’t carry the same oniony flavor, their crisp texture and fresh taste can fulfill certain roles that scallions typically play, especially in terms of crunch and color.

Flavor Profile, and Unique Qualities

  • Appearance: Green bell peppers are glossy, firm, and deep green, with a characteristic bell shape. Inside, they have a pale green, juicy flesh.
  • Flavor: Unlike the pungent or mild onion flavors of our previous substitutes, green bell peppers offer a fresh, slightly sweet, and vegetal taste. They lack the spiciness found in some of their chili pepper counterparts.

When to Use Green Bell Peppers as an Alternative

  1. Raw Applications: Perfect for adding a crunchy texture to salads, salsas, and cold pasta dishes. Their vibrant color can also enhance the visual appeal of various dishes.
  2. Cooking: While they won’t replace the flavor of scallions, green bell peppers can be stir-fried, roasted, or grilled, contributing a sweet and smoky undertone to dishes.
  3. Garnishing: Strips or finely diced green bell peppers can adorn dishes, offering a fresh bite and a pop of color.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Flavor Discrepancy: It’s crucial to recognize that bell peppers won’t impart any onion-like flavors. Their role as a substitute is primarily based on texture and appearance.
  • Cooking Differences: Green bell peppers might take longer to cook than scallions, especially when aiming for a softer consistency.

Garlic Scapes

Often overlooked and left to the peripheries of common culinary choices, garlic scapes are a treasure trove of flavor and versatility. These curly, green tendrils are the stalks of the garlic plant and can perform a dual role, replacing both the aromatic essence of garlic and the crispness of scallions in recipes.

Flavor Profile, and Traits

  • Appearance: Garlic scapes are long, curly green stems with a slender, tender texture. They often culminate in a tight, bud-like tip, which is the precursor to a flower.
  • Flavor: These scapes pack a punch, offering a mild garlicky flavor that’s less intense than garlic cloves. Simultaneously, they present a fresh, green taste somewhat akin to a mix between young garlic and scallions.

Using Garlic Scapes as a Replacement

  1. Raw Applications: Their crisp nature makes them ideal for chopping up and adding to salads, dips, or pestos. They introduce a fresh crunch, along with a gentle hint of garlic.
  2. Cooking: Garlic scapes can be sautéed, grilled, or even made into a delightful stir-fry. When cooked, they soften slightly and their flavor mellows, making them a great addition to pasta dishes, frittatas, and more.
  3. Garnishing: The aesthetic appeal of these curly fronds shouldn’t be underestimated. Placed atop dishes, they add both visual intrigue and a burst of flavor.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Flavor Fusion: While garlic scapes offer both a garlicky flavor and a green freshness, it’s crucial to understand that their taste is unique. Depending on the dish, this dual flavor might be an advantage or something to consider adjusting for.
  • Seasonal Availability: Garlic scapes are generally a late spring to early summer treat, which means they might not be available year-round in all locales.


A staple in many kitchens for its role in stocks, stews, and salads, celery might not be the first ingredient that comes to mind as a scallion substitute. However, in certain culinary contexts where the crunch and freshness are paramount, celery can be a surprisingly fitting alternative.

Flavor Profile, and Key Features

  • Appearance: Celery comprises long, fibrous stalks, clustered together and attached at the base. It has a pale green color, with leaves at the top that are often discarded but are packed with flavor.
  • Flavor: Celery provides a clean, crisp, slightly peppery taste with a hint of earthiness. While it doesn’t carry the oniony zing of scallions, its freshness can rejuvenate many dishes.

Incorporating Celery as a Substitute

  1. Raw Applications: The crunchy nature of celery makes it perfect for salads, coleslaws, or as an addition to tuna or chicken salad mixtures. Its crisp bite can mimic the texture of raw scallions in many dishes.
  2. Cooking: Celery can be braised, sautéed, or added to soups and stews. While its flavor profile is distinct, it introduces a fresh depth and a lovely texture to cooked dishes.
  3. Garnishing: Thinly sliced celery or its leaves can be used as a garnish, offering a burst of color and a refreshing crunch.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Flavor Difference: It’s important to acknowledge that celery doesn’t possess the onion flavor of scallions. Its strength lies in its texture and fresh taste, making it more suitable for dishes where these attributes are key.
  • Stalk vs. Leaves: While the stalks provide the much-desired crunch, don’t overlook celery leaves. They’re packed with flavor and can be used in similar ways to scallion greens for garnishing or in salads.

Fennel Bulb

While not an immediate choice when thinking of scallion alternatives, the fennel bulb brings a unique combination of crunch, freshness, and a hint of licorice flavor to the culinary scene. Its distinct taste profile and texture make it an intriguing option for certain dishes where the typical onion essence isn’t mandatory.

Flavor Profile, and Special Features

  • Appearance: Fennel is a bulbous vegetable with layers of overlapping leaves, resembling an onion in structure. Attached to the bulb are long green stalks and feathery fronds.
  • Flavor: Fennel offers a sweet, crisp taste with a distinct anise or licorice-like undertone. While it doesn’t mimic the onion flavor of scallions, its aromatic profile brings a fresh and fragrant twist to dishes.

Integrating Fennel Bulb as a Substitute

  1. Raw Applications: Thinly sliced fennel adds a delightful crunch and flavor to salads and slaws. Its crispness is comparable to raw scallions, making it suitable for dishes that leverage texture.
  2. Cooking: Fennel can be roasted, grilled, braised, or sautéed. When cooked, its licorice flavor softens, yielding a more muted, sweet taste. It pairs well with seafood, pork, and citrus-based dishes.
  3. Garnishing: The feathery fronds of the fennel can serve as a delicate garnish, adding both flavor and visual appeal.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Flavor Profile: Since fennel introduces a licorice note, it’s essential to ensure this flavor complements the dish. Not every recipe that requires scallions will be enhanced by this distinct taste.
  • Texture Similarities: The bulbous part of fennel provides a crunch similar to scallions, making it a good fit for dishes that rely on a fresh bite.


A lesser-known gem outside of its native regions in Mexico and South America, jicama (pronounced hee-cama) offers a uniquely refreshing texture and mild flavor, making it a potential alternative to scallions in some culinary scenarios. While its sweet taste doesn’t precisely emulate the oniony zing of scallions, its crunchy texture can fill in where the green onion’s bite is needed.

Flavor Profile, and Unique Attributes

  • Appearance: Jicama is a round, brown-skinned tuber that’s somewhat similar in appearance to a large turnip or a brown beet. Inside, its flesh is crisp and white.
  • Flavor: Jicama boasts a mildly sweet and nutty flavor with a crisp, juicy texture akin to a water chestnut or a crisp pear. While it lacks the onion-garlic profile of scallions, its refreshing taste can be a delightful addition to many dishes.

Employing Jicama as a Substitute

  1. Raw Applications: Thanks to its crispy consistency, jicama shines brightest when used raw. Dice or julienne it for salads, slaws, or as a crunchy element in spring rolls.
  2. Cooking: While commonly eaten raw, jicama can also be stir-fried, baked, or boiled. However, cooking will somewhat diminish its distinct crunchiness.
  3. Pairing with Other Ingredients: Jicama pairs excellently with citrus fruits, chili powder, or tropical fruits like mango and pineapple.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Flavor Variance: Since jicama introduces a mild sweetness rather than an onion flavor, it’s crucial to recognize this distinction and ensure it complements the dish in question.
  • Preparation: Only the flesh of jicama is edible. The skin, along with any vines or seeds, should be discarded as they contain toxic compounds.

Ramps (Wild Leeks)

Ramps, often referred to as wild leeks, are a wild onion native to North America. Found in the springtime, these forest treasures have become increasingly popular amongst chefs and culinary enthusiasts for their unique flavor and versatility.

Flavor Profile, and Unique Features

  • Appearance: Ramps have broad, lance-shaped leaves that are a vivid green. They often have a purple or burgundy tint on the lower stem, leading to a small white bulb, all of which are edible. They somewhat resemble a scallion in structure but with wider leaves.
  • Flavor: The flavor of ramps is like a blend of garlic and onion but with a wild, earthy undertone. It’s more pronounced and complex than that of scallions, with the garlicky essence being the standout. The leaves offer a milder flavor, while the bulbs are more intense.

Using Ramps as a Scallion Substitute

  1. Raw Applications: Due to their robust flavor, ramps can be used sparingly in salads, sandwiches, or wraps. Thinly sliced ramps can elevate a dish with their unique taste and striking appearance.
  2. Cooking: Ramps are incredibly versatile. They can be sautéed, grilled, pickled, or even pureed into a pesto. When cooked, their flavor mellows a bit but still retains its distinctiveness.
  3. Garnishing: The bright green leaves of ramps can be used as a garnish, adding both visual appeal and a hint of their unique flavor.
  4. Pairing with Other Ingredients: Ramps complement eggs, pasta, potatoes, and grilled meats exceptionally well. They can also be incorporated into soups, frittatas, or stir-fries where you’d typically use scallions.
Things to Keep in Mind
  • Seasonality: Ramps are highly seasonal and are typically available for a short duration in the spring. Harvesting them requires sustainable practices, as over-harvesting can endanger their populations.
  • Intensity: Ramps have a stronger flavor than scallions. It’s crucial to adjust quantities to ensure they don’t overpower a dish.
  • Storage: Fresh ramps can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. To prolong their life, they can be pickled or blanched and frozen.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Replacement

While our culinary journey through scallion substitutes has showcased the variety of alternatives available, it’s essential to note that choosing the right substitute isn’t merely about flavor. Texture, aroma, visual appeal, and even the nutritional profile play crucial roles in determining the best fit for your dish. Here’s a comprehensive guide to making informed decisions when you’re out of scallions.

Dish Type and Culinary Context

  • Raw vs. Cooked: Not all substitutes work well in both raw and cooked applications. For instance, while jicama and fennel shine in raw dishes, asafoetida is best suited for cooked preparations.
  • Cuisine: The type of cuisine can dictate the best substitute. Chives might work well in a French dish, whereas shallots or leeks could be better suited for an Asian stir-fry.

Flavor Intensity and Profile

  • Strength of Flavor: Recognizing the strength of a potential substitute is crucial. A robust flavor like ramps or garlic might overpower a dish if used in the same quantity as scallions.
  • Flavor Nuances: Consider if the substitute has additional flavor notes, like the licorice undertone in fennel or the sweetness of jicama.

Texture and Mouthfeel

  • Crunch Factor: If a dish relies on the crunch of scallions, opt for substitutes like jicama or white onions that offer a similar bite.
  • Cooked Texture: Some alternatives, like leeks, become soft and silky when cooked, while others retain their crunch.

Visual Appeal and Presentation

  • Color: If the vibrant green of scallions is essential for garnishing, alternatives like chives or the green parts of leeks can be ideal.
  • Shape and Size: Consider the shape and size of the substitute, especially if scallions were to be used as a garnish or in a salad.

Nutritional Considerations

  • Dietary Restrictions: If cooking for someone with specific dietary needs or allergies, always check the suitability of the substitute.
  • Health Benefits: Some substitutes may offer additional health benefits. For instance, garlic has well-documented medicinal properties.

Availability and Seasonality

  • Local Availability: Not all substitutes are available universally. Ramps, for example, have a limited seasonal and regional availability.
  • Cost: Some alternatives, especially those that are out-of-season or gourmet, might be pricier than scallions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Scallion Substitutes

I have a garlic allergy. Which substitutes should I avoid?

If you have a garlic allergy, it’s crucial to avoid substitutes that are closely related, like onions, leeks, chives, and ramps. Instead, opt for alternatives like jicama, fennel, or bell peppers.

I’m making a soup and ran out of scallions. Which substitute is best?

For soups, leeks or onions are generally excellent choices. They meld well with most soup profiles and offer a delightful oniony depth.

How do I store my scallion substitutes to ensure they last longer?

Storage largely depends on the substitute in question. Most Allium members, like onions or garlic, prefer a cool, dry place. Ingredients like jicama or bell peppers should be stored in the refrigerator.

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