The English Stamp Company
We had been working hard thinking about the branding of our future shop, when we came across The English Stamp Company.
Based in deepest Dorset, Jon and Sasha Dorey’s company is a useful find for any start-up artisan business. For very reasonable prices they can create bespoke stamps with your company name and logo, as well as inkpads of varying colours. You can stamp paper carrier bags, price labels, stationery, envelopes and fliers, and the look is very clean, neat and sharp. Professional!
They also carry a huge range of pre-made stamps, for crafting, home produce and gift making. Their ideas are endless.
Their workshop is inside a converted barn near the Jurassic Coast, and it used to be a dinosaur museum. If you have purchased a copy of the first print edition of The Foodie Bugle you will have read all about Sasha’s truffle hunting adventures. She is a lady of many talents, and trains Italian Lagotto Romagnolo dogs to sniff out truffles from forests in and around the South West of England.
If you want to order a stamp like ours, you can visit their website here.
Follow the Doreys on Twitter @englishstamp and also @ClubTruffle