Tomatillo Substitutes

Best Tomatillo Substitutes Every Foodie Needs to Try!

Tomatillos, often termed the “green tomato” of Mexican and Central American cuisine, are a cornerstone in a plethora of dishes ranging from salsas to stews. With their vibrant green hue and delicate, papery husk, these small fruits are not just eye-catching but also boast a uniquely tart flavor. Resembling a tomato in appearance but with a zestier and slightly more herbal profile, tomatillos bring a refreshing depth to any dish they grace.

As essential as tomatillos are in specific dishes, there are times when one might find themselves without this key ingredient. Perhaps they’re not in season, or maybe your local store ran out. Whatever the reason, finding the right replacement can be crucial in recreating or maintaining the intended flavor and texture of a recipe.

List Substitutes for Tomatillo

Green Tomatoes

Often mistaken for unripe versions of the standard red tomatoes we commonly see, green tomatoes have a character and flavor profile all their own. In the context of tomatillo substitution, they are among the top contenders.

While tomatillos have a more citrusy and herbal undertone, green tomatoes lean more towards a straightforward tanginess. Texturally, green tomatoes are quite similar to tomatillos when cooked, as they both retain a semblance of their original firmness. The absence of the citrusy note can usually be compensated for with a splash of lime or lemon juice, if necessary.

Suitable Dishes and Adjustments

Green tomatoes can be used in a 1:1 ratio as a tomatillo substitute in most recipes. They’re especially suitable for:

  • Salsas and Relishes: Dice them up and use them as you would tomatillos in your favorite salsa recipe. Consider adding a hint of citrus if the recipe doesn’t already call for it.
  • Stews and Soups: Their firm texture ensures they hold up well under prolonged cooking. They’ll impart a delightful tanginess to your dish.
  • Fried or Grilled: Just like fried tomatillos, green tomatoes can be breaded and fried or simply grilled for a tangy treat.

Green Bell Peppers

A staple in salads, stir-fries, and grills, the green bell pepper brings its own unique charm as a tomatillo replacement. While it may not immediately strike one as an obvious alternative, its merits in mimicking the texture and general freshness of tomatillos are commendable.

Flavor-wise, green bell peppers lack the tanginess associated with tomatillos. They are more neutral, with a hint of bitterness. This absence of acidity can be balanced by incorporating some lime or vinegar into the dish. In terms of texture, bell peppers are crunchy when raw and soften upon cooking, somewhat reminiscent of tomatillos.

However, it’s important to note that bell peppers have a more watery content. If the dish requires a thicker consistency, consider reducing the cooking liquids or increasing the cooking time.

Ideal Recipes for This Alternative

  1. Salsas: Dice the bell peppers finely, mix with ingredients like onions, cilantro, and lime juice, and you’ve got a refreshing salsa. The absence of tanginess from the tomatillo can be made up with a bit more lime juice.
  2. Stews: Their hearty texture allows green bell peppers to hold their form in stews and curries. To make up for the lack of tomatillo tang, consider adding a dash of vinegar or citrus juice.
  3. Salads: If your salad recipe calls for raw tomatillos, green bell peppers can be a crunchy substitute. Their neutral taste can provide a base for more dominant flavors in the salad.


When one thinks of alternatives for tomatillos, the humble gooseberry might not instantly come to mind.

While gooseberries might be tangier than tomatillos, they lack the herbal undertones that tomatillos naturally possess. Their texture, especially when cooked, is softer, and they can lend a sweeter note if they are fully ripe.

As with any substitute, balancing out these differences is key. For instance, if a dish becomes too tangy, a pinch of sugar or a splash of honey can harmonize the flavors.

When and How to Use Them in Place of Tomatillos

  1. Raw in Salsas and Salads: If you’re making a raw tomatillo salsa or salad, gooseberries can be used in their natural state. Their inherent tartness beautifully compensates for the tang of tomatillos.
  2. Cooked in Sauces and Stews: For recipes that demand cooked tomatillos, gooseberries can be simmered down. However, since they are juicier, the cooking time might vary, and it’s advisable to monitor the consistency.
  3. Proportions: A direct 1:1 substitution in terms of volume should work. Given the intense tanginess of gooseberries, it’s always a good idea to start with a smaller amount and adjust as per the dish’s taste.

Green Grapes

An unexpected contender in the world of tomatillo substitutes, green grapes bring sweetness and acidity to the table, making them an intriguing option to consider in certain culinary scenarios.

They strike a balance between sweet and tart, with the level of sweetness often outshining their acidity, especially when fully ripe.

Bursting with juiciness, green grapes have a fleshy interior with a mildly crisp bite.

Using Green Grapes in Various Dishes

  1. Raw Applications: Given their natural sweetness, green grapes can be an exciting addition to fresh salsas, salads, or even as a garnish for some dishes. They introduce a refreshing, juicy burst which can be balanced with ingredients that are more acidic or spicy.
  2. Cooked Sauces and Jams: When simmered down, green grapes can create a tangy-sweet base for sauces, especially those that pair with poultry or pork. While they won’t replicate the exact flavor of tomatillos, they will introduce a novel and delightful profile to the dish.
  3. Proportions: Given the pronounced sweetness of green grapes compared to tomatillos, it’s wise to start with a reduced quantity and adjust according to taste. Additionally, to amplify the tartness, one could introduce a splash of vinegar or lemon juice.

Proportion Recommendations

  • For raw dishes, consider using a 3:4 ratio, meaning for every cup of tomatillos, use three-fourths cup of green grapes. Adjust the quantity based on taste preference.
  • In cooked applications, a 1:1 substitution might work, but always be ready to tweak based on the desired consistency and flavor profile.

Green Papaya

In many tropical regions, the unripe form of papaya, commonly referred to as “green papaya”, is often utilized in a variety of dishes. Its firm texture and subtle taste can make it an interesting stand-in for tomatillos.

Unlike its ripe counterpart, which is sweet and aromatic, green papaya is relatively bland with a slight bitterness.

Its texture is crunchy and firm, somewhat similar to a raw potato or cucumber.

How to Use Green Papaya in Replacement of Tomatillos

  1. Salads: One of the most popular uses for green papaya is in salads, such as the famous Thai green papaya salad. Its crisp texture retains its integrity even when mixed with dressings and other ingredients.
  2. Cooked in Curries and Stews: Green papaya can absorb flavors well, making it a good addition to curries and stews. However, it lacks the tanginess of tomatillos, so adding a squeeze of lime or lemon might be necessary to replicate that aspect.
  3. Sauces and Salsas: While not traditional, you can experiment with green papaya-based salsas or sauces. Given its neutral taste, it would act as a base, and the addition of acidic and spicy elements would be essential to achieve a depth of flavor.

Substitution Recommendations

  • Since green papaya doesn’t have the tangy quality of tomatillos, when substituting in recipes, you might want to introduce an acid component. For every cup of diced green papaya, consider adding one to two tablespoons of lime or lemon juice.
  • In terms of quantity, a 1:1 ratio can be used, with the understanding that additional flavor adjustments will likely be necessary.

Green Kiwifruit

The vibrant green kiwifruit, often simply referred to as “kiwi”, is more than just a delicious tropical treat. Its balanced blend of sweetness and tanginess, along with its inviting color, can be employed innovatively in dishes, sometimes even stepping in as a substitute where a touch of tartness is desired.

The flesh of the kiwifruit is juicy and slightly firm, bearing some semblance to the texture of a ripe peach. The seeds are edible and add a slight crunch.

Green kiwifruit possesses a delightful blend of sweetness and tartness. The tangy undertones are often likened to strawberries or citrus, while the sweetness is reminiscent of melons.

How to Use Them as a Sweet and Tangy Replacement

  1. Balancing Flavors: Given their inherent sweetness, when using kiwifruit as a substitute in a dish traditionally featuring tomatillos, one might need to balance flavors. This can be achieved by slightly reducing other sweet elements or by adding extra lime juice or vinegar to boost tartness.
  2. Texture Considerations: Kiwifruit can be softer and juicier than tomatillos. Depending on the recipe, it might be necessary to adjust the liquid ingredients or preparation methods to account for this difference.

Ideal Recipes for This Substitution

  1. Fruit Salsas: Dice kiwifruit and mix with ingredients like red onions, jalapeños, and cilantro for a refreshing fruit salsa, perfect atop grilled chicken or fish.
  2. Salads: Kiwifruit can be sliced or cubed and added to salads, providing a burst of color and a unique flavor profile. Pair with a tangy vinaigrette for an invigorating dish.
  3. Desserts: Consider incorporating kiwifruit into dessert recipes where a touch of tartness is appreciated. They can be a great addition to fruit tarts, pavlovas, or as toppings for ice creams.
  4. Smoothies and Drinks: Blend kiwifruit into smoothies or cocktails for a refreshing tangy kick.

Tomatoes & Lime Juice

Sometimes, the best substitutes are the ones that are most accessible. Tomatoes, being a staple in many kitchens around the world, combined with the tang of lime juice, can act as an effective replacement for tomatillos.

Tomatoes bring a combination of sweetness, acidity, and umami to the table. Their flavor profile is broadened with the sharp and zesty tang of lime juice.

Fresh tomatoes have a juicy interior with a slightly firm flesh. Depending on the variety and ripeness, they can range from very soft to slightly crisp.

Using This Combo as a Substitute

  1. Salsas and Dips: For dishes like salsas that require the fresh, tangy taste of tomatillos, diced tomatoes combined with a generous squeeze of lime can provide a similar effect. The lime juice adds the needed tartness that tomatoes alone might lack.
  2. Cooked Dishes: In stews, soups, or sauces where tomatillos are simmered, tomatoes can be used in the same manner. Again, the addition of lime juice will help mimic the tangy flavor profile of cooked tomatillos.
  3. Salads: For salads that require a touch of tartness, a combination of chopped tomatoes drizzled with lime juice can be a refreshing replacement for tomatillos.

Recommendations for Proportions

  • For every cup of tomatillos the recipe demands, use one cup of diced tomatoes and the juice of 1-2 limes. The exact quantity of lime juice can be adjusted based on personal taste and the tartness you desire.
  • It’s important to note that tomatoes contain more water content. So, when cooking, they may release more liquid than tomatillos. Adjustments in cooking time or other ingredients may be necessary to achieve the desired consistency.

Serrano Peppers

Venturing into the spicier side of things, Serrano peppers offer a fiery substitution option for those looking to emulate the zest of tomatillos while introducing a distinct kick to their dishes.

Beyond their pronounced heat, Serranos bring a bright, crisp flavor to the mix, with a hint of earthiness. They are considerably spicier than jalapeños.

Fresh and crunchy when raw, they soften upon cooking but retain some of their bite.

Crafting Dishes with Serrano Peppers

  1. Salsas and Sauces: Serranos can be blended into salsas and sauces to introduce a fiery zest. To balance their heat, consider mixing them with milder ingredients like green grapes or bell peppers.
  2. Stews and Curries: A little goes a long way with Serranos. Add them to stews or curries for a spicy undertone and a touch of tanginess. Adjust quantity based on your heat tolerance.
  3. Grilled or Roasted: Just as tomatillos can be roasted to bring out deeper flavors, Serranos too can be grilled or roasted, taming their heat slightly and enhancing their earthy notes.

How to Use in Proportion to Tomatillos

  • Caution with Quantity: Due to their spicy nature, Serrano peppers should be used judiciously. For a dish requiring a cup of tomatillos, you might only need one or two Serranos, depending on your spice preference.
  • Balancing Act: Pairing Serrano peppers with a milder ingredient, like green tomatoes or bell peppers, can create a balanced flavor profile that mirrors the tartness of tomatillos while incorporating the unique spiciness of the pepper.

Cilantro & Lemon Zest

Incorporating the aromatic freshness of cilantro with the zesty kick of lemon zest can be an innovative way to channel the unique flavor profile of tomatillos in certain dishes.

Cilantro boasts a fresh, citrusy, and slightly peppery flavor. Some people, however, genetically perceive it as soapy. Lemon zest offers a tangy, aromatic citrus flavor without the sourness of the lemon juice.

Cilantro leaves and stems are tender, while lemon zest has a slightly firm, yet chewy texture when eaten.

Cilantro & Lemon Zest as a Substitute

  1. Sauces and Salsas: Freshly chopped cilantro can be combined with lemon zest in salsas, guacamoles, or other dips to introduce a tangy, fresh note reminiscent of tomatillos.
  2. Garnishes: For dishes that benefit from the freshness of tomatillos, a garnish of cilantro leaves sprinkled with lemon zest can provide a similar burst of flavor.
  3. Salads and Cold Dishes: Incorporate cilantro leaves and lemon zest into salads or cold noodle dishes where raw tomatillos might be used, ensuring a refreshing and tangy bite.

Recommendations for Proportions

  • Given the pronounced flavors of both cilantro and lemon zest, moderation is key. For a dish requiring one cup of tomatillos, consider using ½ cup of finely chopped cilantro combined with the zest of one medium-sized lemon.
  • It’s essential to adjust according to the dish and personal preference. For those sensitive to the flavor of cilantro, reducing its quantity or substituting with parsley can be an option.

Green Chilies & White Vinegar

Introducing a spicier undertone combined with the sharpness of vinegar can surprisingly resonate with the essence of tomatillos in spicy culinary applications.

Green chilies provide a spicy kick that can range from mild to very hot, depending on the variety. White vinegar, being acidic, introduces the tangy depth required to evoke tomatillos’ zesty nature.

Green chilies offer a crunchy bite when raw and soften upon cooking. Their texture contrasts well with the liquid consistency of vinegar.

Green Chilies & White Vinegar as a Substitute

  1. Spicy Salsas and Dips: For those salsa verde recipes that lean on the spicier side, finely chopped green chilies mixed with a dash of white vinegar can approximate the hot and tangy character of tomatillos.
  2. Cooked Preparations: When making stews or curries that call for tomatillos, adding diced green chilies early in the cooking process and splashing in white vinegar towards the end can be effective.
  3. Marinades and Dressings: In concoctions where the tart spiciness of tomatillos is desired, blending green chilies with white vinegar can capture a similar zing.

Guidelines for Proportions

  • To replace one cup of tomatillos, consider using a combination of ¾ cup finely chopped green chilies and 1-2 tablespoons of white vinegar. The intensity of chilies and the quantity of vinegar should be adjusted based on personal taste and the desired heat level.
  • The variety of green chili used plays a significant role. For a milder flavor, Anaheim or poblano peppers can be chosen, while serrano or jalapeño chilies can be used for a stronger kick.

Husk Cherry (Ground Cherry): A Unique Alternative with Tangy Sweetness

Husk cherries, also known as ground cherries or cape gooseberries, are a lesser-known gem in the culinary world that can serve as a remarkable substitute for tomatillos. These small, round fruits are encased in a papery husk, similar to the tomatillo’s husk, and offer a delightful blend of sweet and tangy flavors.

Husk cherries exhibit a complex flavor profile that beautifully captures the tartness of tomatillos while also offering a gentle sweetness. When the husk is peeled back, you’ll find a golden, marble-sized fruit with a juicy and slightly crunchy texture. This combination of flavors and textures makes husk cherries an excellent candidate for recipes that require the unique qualities of tomatillos.

Husk Cherry Substitution Tips

When substituting husk cherries for tomatillos in recipes, keep the following in mind:

  • Quantity: Generally, you can use husk cherries in a 1:1 ratio when replacing tomatillos, though adjustments might be needed based on personal taste and the specific recipe.
  • Acidity Balance: As husk cherries tend to be sweeter than tomatillos, consider balancing the sweetness with additional acidity, such as a splash of lime juice.
  • Husk Removal: Remove the husks before using husk cherries in your recipes, as the husks are not edible and can have a slightly bitter taste.

Tamarillo (Tree Tomato)

If you’re seeking a tomatillo substitute that introduces an exotic flair to your dishes, look no further than the tamarillo, also known as the tree tomato.

Tamarillos boast a flavor profile that mirrors the tangy essence of tomatillos while infusing a distinct sweetness. Their taste can be likened to a marriage between tomatoes and passion fruit, resulting in a unique and vibrant culinary experience.

Tamarillo Substitution Tips

To successfully substitute tamarillos for tomatillos in your recipes, consider the following guidelines:

  • Quantity: Replace tomatillos with tamarillos in a 1:1 ratio, adjusting based on personal taste preferences and the specific recipe.
  • Taste Balance: Given tamarillos’ sweeter profile, balance the sweetness with complementary acidic components like lime or lemon juice.
  • Texture Considerations: While tamarillos resemble tomatillos in taste, their texture is smoother. If the texture is integral to the recipe, slight adjustments might be necessary.

Blends & Mixes

Often, the most accurate replication of a distinctive ingredient like the tomatillo comes from blending multiple substitutes. By combining the various elements from different sources, one can achieve a symphony of flavors and textures that closely mirror the genuine article.

Combining Ingredients to Mimic the Complexity of Tomatillo’s Taste and Texture

  1. Green Tomatoes + Lime Juice: The base flavor of green tomatoes, combined with the tanginess of lime juice, can resemble the tart and vegetal flavor profile of tomatillos.
  2. Green Bell Pepper + Green Kiwifruit + Lime Juice: Green bell peppers provide a crunchy texture and a mild taste, while green kiwifruit adds sweetness and tanginess. Lime juice further accentuates the tang.
  3. Green Papaya + Gooseberries: The crunchy texture of green papaya, combined with the tartness of gooseberries, can offer a decent mimicry of both the texture and taste of tomatillos.
  4. Green Grapes + Lime Juice: The sweet-tart balance of green grapes, combined with an extra zing from lime juice, can work in dishes where a hint of sweetness is acceptable.

Recommendations for Proportions and Mixtures for Various Dishes:

  • Mix: 3 parts chopped green tomatoes, 1 part lime juice, and 1 part chopped green bell pepper.
  • Method: Combine ingredients and season with salt, chili, and cilantro as desired.
  • Mix: 2 parts green bell pepper, 2 parts green kiwifruit, and the juice of 1 lime.
  • Method: Blend until smooth and then season. Can be heated gently if required.
  • Mix: 3 parts sliced green grapes, 1 part gooseberries, and 1 part green papaya.
  • Method: Mix the ingredients and use in salads with a light vinaigrette.
Stews or Cooked Dishes:
  • Mix: 3 parts chopped green tomatoes, 2 parts green bell pepper, and 1 part lime juice.
  • Method: Add to the dish in the stages where tomatillos are required. Adjust the cooking time since green tomatoes and bell peppers might take longer to soften compared to tomatillos.

Tips for Substituting

Substituting a unique ingredient like the tomatillo requires a combination of knowledge, intuition, and adaptability. To ensure a successful culinary outcome, a few guiding principles can be invaluable.

General Guidelines on Proportions When Substituting

  1. Start Small: When unsure about the quantity, always start with a smaller amount of the substitute and adjust upwards as needed. It’s easier to add more than to correct an overpowering flavor.
  2. Texture vs. Taste: Consider what aspect of the tomatillo you’re aiming to replicate. If it’s primarily the texture, focus on ingredients like green tomatoes or green bell peppers. If it’s the tartness, lime juice or gooseberries might be more appropriate.

Adjusting Based on the Flavor Profile of the Dish

  1. Assess the Role of Tomatillo: Understand the role of tomatillo in your recipe. If it’s a star ingredient in a tomatillo salsa, substitutions will have a greater impact than in a dish where it plays a background role.
  2. Balancing Flavors: If you’re using a sweeter substitute like green grapes or kiwifruit, you might need to balance the dish with extra acidity or spice to ensure the final outcome isn’t overly sweet.
  3. Consider Complementary Ingredients: Think about other ingredients in the dish. Some substitutes might mesh better with certain flavor profiles. For instance, kiwifruit might complement a tropical salsa with mangoes, while green tomatoes could be better in a rustic, hearty stew.

Final Note

While tomatillos hold their revered space in many dishes, especially in traditional Mexican cuisine, it’s heartening to know that the global pantry offers a myriad of ingredients waiting to be discovered and embraced. So, the next time you find your kitchen bereft of tomatillos, remember: It’s not a setback, but an opportunity to craft a new culinary masterpiece.

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