Substitutes For Wasabi

From Mild to Wild: Best Wasabi Substitutes That Will Blow Your Taste Buds Away!

Wasabi, often referred to as the “Japanese horseradish,” is a plant deeply rooted in the culinary traditions of Japan. Its bright green paste, with a potent kick, is best known for accompanying sushi.

Traditionally, wasabi is grated using a piece of sharkskin, resulting in a fine, smooth paste that’s served immediately to ensure freshness and potency.

However, genuine wasabi is notoriously difficult to cultivate. It requires specific conditions: a balance of sunlight and shade, clean running water, and a particular soil type. This stringent growth requirement makes it rare and, as a result, quite expensive. In many restaurants and grocery stores outside of Japan, the “wasabi” served is often a mixture of horseradish, mustard, and green food coloring.

Given its scarcity and the steep price tag of authentic wasabi, there’s been a growing demand for suitable substitutes that can mimic its distinct flavor and heat.

What Makes a Good Wasabi Substitute?

Finding an alternative to something as distinct as wasabi requires a keen understanding of the qualities. When we talk about a wasabi substitute, we’re not merely seeking a replacement in heat, but an intricate balance of characteristics that render wasabi unique. Here are the key attributes to consider:


The first sensation you experience with wasabi is its intense pungency, but it’s not just about the heat. Genuine wasabi has a clean, fresh taste, somewhat akin to a green vegetable with a sharp, sinus-clearing kick. Unlike chili peppers that can leave your mouth burning for minutes, wasabi’s heat is swift and transient, leaving behind a mild sweetness.


Authentic wasabi, when freshly grated, has a smooth, almost creamy consistency. It isn’t gritty or overly watery. This texture not only affects the mouthfeel but also how it mixes with other ingredients like soy sauce.


The visual appeal of food plays a pivotal role in our overall dining experience. Wasabi is known for its vibrant green hue, which adds a pop of color to dishes, contrasting particularly well with the darker shades of sushi nori and soy sauce.


Part of wasabi’s charm lies in its aromatic quality. Upon grating, it releases a fresh, vegetal scent with a hint of its impending heat. This aroma can enhance the overall sensory experience of a dish.

List of Substitutes for Wasabi


Horseradish undoubtedly stands out as the frontrunner in search for wasabi substitutes. Native to southeastern Europe and western Asia, horseradish has carved a niche for itself in various cuisines, offering a potent kick reminiscent of wasabi.

Using Horseradish Paste vs. Fresh Horseradish

There are two primary ways horseradish is consumed – as a freshly grated root or in a preserved paste form. Fresh horseradish offers a cleaner, more robust flavor, making it the ideal choice for those looking to closely mimic fresh wasabi.

However, fresh horseradish can be potent, so it’s wise to use it sparingly until you gauge its intensity. On the other hand, horseradish paste, commonly found in jars at grocery stores, is milder due to the vinegar it contains, which stabilizes the AITC and reduces its pungency.

This paste is more accessible and convenient but may contain additional ingredients like cream or artificial flavorings.

Tips for The Best Wasabi Experience

When using horseradish as a wasabi substitute, it’s crucial to achieve the right consistency and color. Mixing freshly grated horseradish with a touch of water or a drop of lime juice can enhance its brightness and tang, while a tiny amount of spinach or green food coloring can impart the desired green hue.

For those using horseradish paste, consider blending it with a pinch of mustard powder or green peas to refine its flavor and texture.

Mustard (Spicy Brown or Dijon)

In the spicy condiment family, mustard often sits comfortably next to horseradish as a household staple. While not native to Japan or associated with sushi traditionally, mustard, especially its spicier variants, can be a handy ally in replicating wasabi’s distinctive zest.

The Sharp Bite of Mustard Seeds

Mustard’s signature kick is derived from its seeds. When these seeds are crushed and exposed to water, they release pungent compounds, much like the process seen with horseradish. This results in a sharp, warming sensation, albeit different from the clean, sinus-clearing burst we associate with wasabi. The intensity of this sensation can vary based on the type of mustard seed (white, brown, or black) and its preparation.

Spicy Brown vs. Dijon

When considering mustard as a wasabi alternative, spicy brown and Dijon varieties often come to the forefront due to their pronounced flavors. Spicy brown mustard, made from coarsely ground brown seeds, offers a robust and spicy profile, while Dijon, named after the French town of Dijon, is known for its smooth texture and sharp, yet not overwhelmingly spicy, taste.

Crafting a Wasabi-like Experience with Mustard

Mustard’s potency alone might be too overpowering or off-kilter as a direct wasabi substitute. However, when combined with other ingredients, its flavor can be rounded out.

For a closer match to wasabi, consider blending mustard with a touch of horseradish or even a bit of regular mustard powder. This not only moderates the heat but also creates a fuller flavor profile. To achieve wasabi’s green hue, incorporating finely processed green peas or a speck of natural green food coloring can do the trick.

Green Radish

Moving away from the more commonly known horseradish and mustard, green radish emerges as a delightful surprise in the search for a wasabi stand-in. Often overlooked in the shadow of its spicier cousins, green radish possesses unique attributes that can be tapped into for that wasabi-esque touch.

Its Mild Flavor and How to Enhance It

Unlike horseradish, the green radish doesn’t naturally come with an intense pungency. Its flavor profile is milder, characterized by a fresh, crisp, and slightly peppery taste. However, this very subtleness can be its strength, as it offers a neutral base that can be enhanced with other ingredients to mirror the intensity of wasabi.

Grating Techniques to Achieve the Right Consistency

The texture of freshly grated green radish is somewhat akin to that of wasabi. Its fine, moist consistency provides a similar mouthfeel. For the best results, use a fine grater, and ensure that the radish is fresh and firm. Draining excess water after grating can also aid in achieving that perfect wasabi-like paste.

Combining with Potent Ingredients

Given its milder taste, green radish can be combined with a touch of horseradish or mustard to up the ante in terms of heat. Such a blend ensures that the sharpness doesn’t become too overpowering while retaining the natural freshness of the radish.

Additionally, the vibrant green color of some green radish varieties can negate the need for any additional coloring, making it a natural choice for those seeking an organic wasabi substitute.

Applications Beyond Sushi

The versatility of green radish means it can be used in various dishes beyond sushi. Its refreshing taste can be a welcome addition to salads, garnishes, and even in concoctions like radish-wasabi cocktails for the more adventurous palate.

Wasabi Powder (Not Pure)

A mention of wasabi powder might raise eyebrows, especially in a discussion centered around substitutes. However, in many markets outside of Japan, the wasabi powder available isn’t purely made from wasabi rhizomes. Instead, it’s often a blend of various ingredients, primarily horseradish, with a touch of mustard, food coloring, and occasionally some actual wasabi. Hence, understanding this variant is crucial when searching for an authentic wasabi experience.

Difference Between Genuine Wasabi Powder and Blends

Genuine wasabi powder is made by drying and then grinding real wasabi rhizomes. Its price can be considerably higher than blended versions. On the other hand, the more common and affordable “wasabi” powders have horseradish as the main ingredient.

When purchasing, it’s essential to read the label to understand what you’re getting. Pure wasabi powder will list “wasabia japonica” as the primary ingredient.

Preparing for Best Results

Turning wasabi powder into a paste that mimics fresh wasabi’s texture requires a bit of precision. Start by adding a small amount of water to the powder, mixing it into a smooth paste. Allow it to sit for about 10-15 minutes; this resting period lets the flavors develop.

For those using a blend, you might notice that the heat is more akin to horseradish than genuine wasabi. To fine-tune this, consider adding a dash of mustard or even a touch of fresh green radish juice to adjust both flavor and consistency.

Benefits and Limitations

While not the real deal, wasabi powder blends offer convenience. They have a longer shelf life, are easily transportable, and provide a consistent flavor profile.

Additionally, for those who may not have access to fresh wasabi or horseradish, these powders can be a valuable resource. However, one should be mindful of the additives, especially artificial colors or flavors, which can detract from the natural experience.

Green Peas with Mustard or Horseradish

Green peas might seem like an unexpected choice in the world of wasabi substitutes, but they hold a special place due to their texture and color. While they don’t naturally possess the fiery kick of wasabi, their mild flavor provides an excellent base, which, when combined with more pungent ingredients, can mimic the desired wasabi experience.

The Texture and Color Advantage

Fresh or thawed frozen green peas have a naturally soft and slightly grainy texture, which, when blended, mimics the consistency of wasabi paste. Moreover, their bright green hue eliminates the need for artificial colorings, keeping the substitute as natural as possible.

Creating The Blend

Start by pureeing green peas in a blender or food processor until they achieve a smooth consistency. To introduce the characteristic kick of wasabi, add a pinch of mustard powder or a dash of freshly grated horseradish.

Adjust the amounts based on your heat preference. If needed, a touch of water can be added to achieve the desired paste-like consistency.

Applications and Variations

While primarily crafted for sushi and sashimi, this green pea blend can also be an exciting addition to salads, sandwiches, or as a unique dip for crackers. For those looking to experiment further, consider adding herbs like cilantro or even a hint of lime zest to create variations of the paste, each offering a unique flavor twist.

Chili Peppers and Avocado Mix

While chili peppers on their own differ significantly in taste profile from wasabi, they can bring the heat element that is often associated with wasabi’s zesty kick. When combined with the creamy texture of avocado, this mix presents a flavorful alternative that captures both the heat and the consistency reminiscent of genuine wasabi paste.

Creating The Perfect Blend

To start, deseed and finely chop your chosen chili pepper. Blend it together with ripe avocado until smooth. The avocado acts as a cooling agent, balancing the heat from the chili and providing a creamy texture similar to wasabi paste. Adjust the ratio based on your heat preference. A pinch of salt can be added to enhance the flavor further.

Application and Adaptability

This mix can serve as an exciting twist in sushi or sashimi, offering a different but delightful flavor profile. Beyond traditional Japanese dishes, the chili-avocado paste can be a great addition to tacos, toast, or as a dip. For a more complex taste, consider adding a hint of lime juice or a sprinkle of cilantro.

Ginger and Mustard Blend

Ginger, a staple in many Asian cuisines, is known for its aromatic and spicy attributes. Though distinct from wasabi, when combined with mustard, it brings forth an intriguing blend that can serve as a novel wasabi substitute.

Creating the Wasabi-Esque Blend

Begin with fresh ginger, peeling and grating it to extract its juice and essence. Combine the ginger paste with a touch of spicy mustard, like Dijon or spicy brown, until the mix achieves a paste-like consistency.

The mustard enhances the heat, making it more reminiscent of wasabi. Depending on personal preference, the ratio between ginger and mustard can be adjusted.

Versatility in Dishes

While this blend can offer a unique twist to sushi, its applications don’t stop there. It can also be used as a marinade for meats, an addition to dressings, or even as a dipping sauce for various appetizers.

If you’re looking to diversify the flavor, consider introducing a hint of honey for sweetness or a dash of soy sauce for a savory touch.

Broccoli Stems with A Hint of Horseradish

Perhaps the most unconventional choice on the list, broccoli stems can serve as a base ingredient for a wasabi substitute, primarily due to their texture. When paired with the potent zing of horseradish, this combo manages to emulate some of the sensory attributes of wasabi.

The Overlooked Value of Broccoli Stems

While broccoli florets get most of the attention, the stems are often discarded or overlooked. Yet, they have a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a dense texture that is ideal for wasabi-like paste.

Crafting The Blend

Start by peeling the tough outer layer of the broccoli stems and then grating or finely chopping the tender inner part. Steam the grated stems briefly to soften them. Once cooled, blend them into a paste.

To introduce the spicy kick characteristic of wasabi, add freshly grated horseradish to the mix. The ratio can be adjusted based on desired heat levels.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

This broccoli stem and horseradish blend can be served alongside sushi or any dish where wasabi is traditionally used. Furthermore, with its unique flavor profile, it can also be incorporated into salads, spread on sandwiches, or used as a dip for veggies.

For an extra layer of flavor, consider adding a touch of lemon zest or a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Arugula and Green Herb Paste

The peppery bite of arugula combined with aromatic green herbs offers an unexpected but delightful alternative to wasabi. While the spice level doesn’t quite match up, the complexity of flavors brings a refreshing twist to dishes traditionally accompanied by wasabi.

Often used in salads, arugula is known for its distinct peppery taste. It’s this natural zestiness that can serve as a starting point for our wasabi substitute.

Creating the Herbal Blend

Choose fresh arugula leaves and wash them thoroughly. Blend them together with green herbs of your choice – cilantro, parsley, and basil are excellent options. These herbs introduce depth and aroma to the paste.

For the spicy kick, you can add a small amount of green chili or even a touch of our previously mentioned substitutes like mustard. Blend until the mixture reaches a smooth paste consistency, adding a bit of water or olive oil if necessary.

Diverse Culinary Applications

While this paste can be a surprising side for sushi, it doesn’t stop there. It works wonderfully as a spread on sandwiches, a drizzle over salads, or even a base for dressings. The inclusion of green herbs allows for a harmonious blend with various dishes, making it a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire.

Green Radish Paste with Mustard Seed

Green radishes, with their crisp texture and sharp bite, are a natural fit in the realm of wasabi alternatives. When combined with mustard seeds, which amplify the spice, the result is a blend that manages to echo some of wasabi’s notable characteristics.

Crafting The Spicy Blend

To begin, peel and grate green radishes to obtain a fine consistency. For added heat, grind mustard seeds into a powder and blend it with the grated radish. The intensity can be adjusted based on personal preference. A dash of salt can be incorporated to enhance and bind the flavors.

Serving Recommendations and Variations

This green radish and mustard seed paste pairs wonderfully with sushi, sashimi, and other seafood dishes. Additionally, it can be used in salads, wraps, or as a topping on toast.

For a richer flavor, consider introducing a drizzle of sesame oil or even a sprinkle of finely chopped spring onions.

Spinach and Wasabi Oil Infusion

Though spinach on its own lacks the distinctive kick of wasabi, it offers a base that, when infused with wasabi-flavored oil, can act as a stand-in for the real thing in terms of color, consistency, and taste.

Crafting The Infused Blend

Begin by blanching fresh spinach leaves until they’re tender. Once cooled, blend them into a smooth paste. To introduce the wasabi kick, add a few drops of wasabi-flavored oil, available in specialty grocery stores. This oil carries the spicy notes of wasabi without being overpowering.

Blend again until the mixture is well-incorporated and has a paste-like consistency. You can adjust the amount of oil based on your desired level of heat.

Versatile Culinary Uses

This spinach and wasabi oil infusion can be used similarly to traditional wasabi paste, making it an excellent companion for sushi, sashimi, and other Japanese dishes.

Beyond that, consider it as a spread for sandwiches, a base for dressings, or even a unique ingredient in green smoothies. To diversify the flavor, you can mix in a touch of lemon zest or a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds.

Cabbage and Green Pepper Medley

Pairing the crunchy mildness of green cabbage with the vibrant spiciness of green peppers, this substitute may not perfectly mimic wasabi’s pungency but offers a fresh and tangy twist to dishes that traditionally use wasabi.

Green cabbage, with its slightly sweet and earthy notes, serves as an excellent base due to its texture and mild flavor. It’s this subtle taste that allows the green pepper’s zing to shine through.

Creating the Zesty Blend

Start by finely grating fresh green cabbage. Pair it with a finely minced green pepper, like jalapeños or serranos, depending on your heat tolerance. Blend the two ingredients until they form a cohesive paste. For a smoother consistency, you can add a touch of water or a splash of lime juice.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

While it can be a lively side for sushi and sashimi, this blend can also serve as a refreshing topping for tacos, nachos, or salads. It works well as a dip for spring rolls or as an added zest in wraps and sandwiches. To enrich its flavor palette, consider introducing finely chopped cilantro or a drizzle of honey.

Watercress as a Wasabi Alternative

The peppery undertones of watercress have long made it a favorite in salads and sandwiches, but its potential as a wasabi substitute is an avenue less explored. This aquatic plant, with its vibrant green leaves and spicy bite, can be a refreshing twist to dishes that traditionally incorporate wasabi.

Unlike the sinus-clearing sharpness of wasabi, watercress offers a milder, peppery zest. It hits the palate with a gentle warmth that lingers but doesn’t overpower, making it accessible to those who might find wasabi too intense.

Using in Salsas or Sauces for a Wasabi Hint

  • Watercress Salsa: To create a unique salsa with a hint of wasabi, blend watercress leaves with traditional salsa ingredients like tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and lime juice. The result is a zesty and fresh salsa with an underlying peppery kick.
  • Watercress Sauce: For a creamy sauce reminiscent of wasabi, blend watercress with avocado, a touch of garlic, lime juice, and a dash of salt. The creaminess of the avocado complements the spice of the watercress, creating a balanced and rich sauce perfect for drizzling over grilled meats or as a dip for veggies.
  • Using in Existing Recipes: You can also finely chop watercress and mix it into mayonnaise or yogurt-based sauces for a hint of heat. This mixture can then be used as a spread for sandwiches, a topping for seafood, or as a unique dressing for salads.

Brussels Sprouts as a Wasabi Substitute

While Brussels sprouts may seem like an unlikely candidate for wasabi substitution, their inherent bitterness and mild pungency can serve as a unique and interesting backdrop for those looking to emulate some aspects of wasabi’s profile.

The bitterness in Brussels sprouts intensifies when overcooked. However, when prepared right, they offer a balanced flavor that can be used as a base for wasabi-like preparations.

Grating and Processing Recommendations

  • Raw Grating Approach: To capture the sprout’s natural flavors, wash and trim the Brussels sprouts, then grate them finely using a microplane or a fine grater. This raw preparation retains the vegetable’s innate bitterness and pungency.
  • Blanch and Blend: For a smoother texture, consider blanching the Brussels sprouts for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. After cooling, blend them into a paste in a food processor. This method reduces some of the bitterness, offering a milder taste.
  • Enhancements for a Wasabi-Like Punch: While Brussels sprouts can’t completely emulate the spicy kick of wasabi on their own, pairing them with horseradish or a touch of mustard can get closer to that familiar sensation. Mixing the grated or blended sprouts with these spicy agents can elevate the heat, making it a more convincing wasabi stand-in.
  • Texture Matters: If you’re looking for a consistency similar to wasabi paste, add a bit of water or a neutral oil while blending. This gives the mixture a creamier texture, suitable for sushi or other dishes where wasabi is typically used.

Green Hot Peppers (like Jalapeños) as a Wasabi Substitute

Green hot peppers, especially jalapeños, can bring a fiery zing that somewhat resonates with wasabi’s strong and pungent heat. While the sensation differs – with jalapeños producing a lasting burn compared to wasabi’s swift sinus-clearing effect – they can be utilized effectively as a wasabi stand-in when used thoughtfully.

To control the heat of jalapeños or other green hot peppers, you can remove the seeds and veins. Doing so will significantly reduce their spiciness, allowing for a milder taste. Conversely, for those who love a fiery punch, keeping the seeds and veins intact will certainly deliver.

Blending Peppers for Smoothness

  • Creating the Paste: After deseeding (if desired), chop the jalapeños into smaller pieces. Blend them in a food processor or a blender until you achieve a smooth consistency. A touch of water or a drizzle of neutral oil can be added to achieve the desired consistency similar to wasabi paste.
  • Texture Matters: Straining the blended mixture through a fine sieve can result in an even smoother texture, removing any unprocessed bits and ensuring a consistent paste.
  • Enhancements and Variations: To get closer to wasabi’s unique flavor, consider blending the jalapeños with some of the other substitutes mentioned, like horseradish or mustard. A pinch of salt or a dash of lime juice can also be added to enhance the overall taste.

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