Fruits That Start with I

Fruits That Start with I (Complete List of 30+ Fruit Names)

Fruits that start with I offer a fascinating variety of flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits. From exotic tropical fruits to lesser-known varieties, these fruits bring a touch of uniqueness to the world of culinary delights.

Whether it’s the tangy sweetness of the Indian jujube or the luscious juiciness of the Indian mango, these fruits captivate our taste buds and provide us with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Exploring the realm of fruits starting with I allows us to discover hidden gems like the Indian persimmon, Indian sherbet berry, and many others, each with its own distinct characteristics and cultural significance. Let’s embark on a flavorful journey and delve into the intriguing world of fruits beginning with I.

List of Fruits Starting with I


Iboga is a tropical fruit native to Central and West Africa. It is known for its psychoactive properties and has been traditionally used in spiritual and healing rituals by certain African communities. The fruit itself is small and round, with a reddish-brown color and a bitter taste. Iboga contains alkaloids that have stimulant effects and can induce hallucinations when consumed in large quantities. It is often used in traditional medicine and has gained attention for its potential in treating addiction and mental health disorders.


Ibope is a lesser-known fruit found in the Amazon rainforest of South America. It is a small, green fruit with a thin, smooth skin. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and slightly sour, similar to a lime or lemon. Ibope is rich in vitamin C and is often used in local cuisine for its tangy flavor. The fruit is also believed to have antioxidant properties and is used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits.


Icacina is a fruit native to Africa, particularly found in countries like Nigeria and Cameroon. The fruit grows on a small tree and has a round shape with a yellowish-green color. It has a unique taste that is a combination of sweet and tangy flavors. Icacina is highly nutritious and is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It is often used in local dishes, such as soups and stews, and is also consumed raw or made into jams and jellies.


Icaco, also known as cocoplum, is a fruit that grows in tropical regions, including the Caribbean and parts of South America. It is a small, round fruit with a purple or black skin when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is sweet and juicy, and it can be eaten fresh or used in various culinary preparations like jams, jellies, and desserts. Icaco is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, particularly vitamin C, and it is also known for its potential medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory effects.

Ice Apple

Ice apple, also known as palm fruit or tadgola, is a tropical fruit commonly found in Southeast Asia and parts of India. It is a unique fruit with a jelly-like texture and a mildly sweet taste. The fruit is usually eaten fresh, and its high water content makes it refreshing, especially during hot summer months. Ice apple is also used in making beverages, ice creams, and desserts. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin B and potassium.

Ice Cream Bean

Ice cream bean, also known as Inga fruit, is a large fruit native to the tropical regions of South America. The fruit is long and pod-like, with a green, velvety exterior. Inside the pod, the fruit contains large, white, cotton-like pulp that has a sweet, creamy flavor reminiscent of vanilla ice cream. It is often eaten fresh, and the pulp can be used to make smoothies, juices, and even ice cream. Ice cream bean is also known for its high fiber content and is a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Ichang Papeda

Ichang papeda is a citrus fruit that originated in China and is commonly found in Southeast Asia. It is a small, round fruit with a bumpy, thick skin. The flesh of the fruit is tart and acidic, similar to a lemon or lime. Ichang papeda is often used in cooking and is prized for its strong citrus flavor. It is also known for its medicinal properties and is used in traditional Chinese medicine for its potential digestive and immune-boosting benefits.

Ichi Fruit

Ichi fruit, also known as African plum or Spanish cherry, is a small fruit found in tropical regions, particularly in West Africa. It has a round shape and a reddish-brown skin when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is sweet and juicy, with a flavor similar to a plum or cherry. Ichi fruit is often eaten fresh or used in making jams and preserves. It is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants, and is believed to have various health benefits, including promoting eye health and supporting the immune system.


Ichigo, which means “strawberry” in Japanese, is a popular fruit worldwide. It is a small, red fruit with a sweet and slightly tart taste. Ichigo is enjoyed fresh and is used in a wide variety of desserts, including cakes, ice creams, and pastries. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, and it is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Ichigo is also associated with romantic symbolism and is often associated with love and affection.


Ilama is a tropical fruit native to Central America and Mexico. It is a large fruit with a green or yellow skin and a sweet, custard-like flesh. The taste of ilama is often compared to a mix of banana, pineapple, and strawberry. It is commonly eaten fresh, and the pulp can also be used in smoothies, sorbets, and other desserts. Ilama is a good source of fiber and contains vitamins A and C. It is a popular fruit in its native regions and is highly valued for its delicious flavor and nutritional benefits.

Illawarra Plum

The Illawarra plum is a unique fruit native to Australia, specifically the Illawarra region. It has a dark purple, almost black skin and a tart, slightly sweet flavor. The fruit is rich in antioxidants and is known for its deep purple color, which indicates a high anthocyanin content. Illawarra plums are often used in sauces, jams, and desserts, and they hold cultural significance for Indigenous Australians.

Illipe Nut

The illipe nut is a tropical nut that grows in Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia. It comes from the Shorea tree and is known for its high fat content, making it a valuable ingredient for the production of cosmetics and soaps. The nut itself is hard and contains a buttery substance. Locally, illipe nuts are also used in cooking, particularly in traditional desserts and snacks.


Imbe is a small fruit that belongs to the same family as the mango and cashew. It is native to southern Africa and is often found in countries like South Africa and Mozambique. The fruit has a round shape and a thin, orange skin. Imbe is known for its tangy and somewhat sweet flavor. It is commonly eaten fresh or used to make jams and jellies, and it is also used in traditional African medicine for its potential health benefits.


Imble, also known as kaffir plum, is a fruit native to southern Africa. It is a small, round fruit with a thin, orange or red skin. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and tart, similar to a cranberry. Imble is commonly consumed fresh or used in making sauces, preserves, and beverages. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and is also used in traditional medicine for its potential medicinal properties.


Imbu, also called Brazilian plum or green plum, is a fruit native to Brazil. It has a round shape and a green skin when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and slightly tart, with a flavor reminiscent of a combination of plum and green apple. Imbu is often eaten fresh or used in making juices, jams, and liqueurs. It is rich in vitamin C and is known for its refreshing taste.


The incaberry, also known as Cape gooseberry or goldenberry, is a small fruit native to South America. It is round and encased in a papery husk that turns golden as it ripens. The fruit has a sweet and tangy flavor, similar to a mix of pineapple and tomato. Incaberries are often eaten fresh, used in salads, or made into jams and desserts. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and are also known for their potential anti-inflammatory properties.

Indian Almond

The Indian almond, also called tropical almond or sea almond, is a fruit that grows in tropical regions, including India and Southeast Asia. It has a hard outer shell and a seed inside that is often consumed as a nut. The seed is rich in healthy fats and is used in cooking, baking, and making oils. Indian almonds are also used in traditional medicine for their potential health benefits, including promoting hair and skin health.

Indian Fig

Indian fig, also known as prickly pear or cactus pear, is a fruit that grows on cactus plants. It is native to the Americas but is now widely cultivated in various parts of the world. The fruit has a thick, spiky skin and a sweet, juicy flesh that can be red, yellow, or purple. Indian figs are eaten fresh, and their pulp is used in beverages, jams, and candies. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is a small fruit native to India and is highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine. It has a greenish-yellow color and a tart, sour taste. Indian gooseberries are often consumed fresh or used in making pickles, chutneys, and juices. They are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, and are believed to have various health benefits, including boosting immunity and promoting hair and skin health.

Indian Hog Plum

Indian hog plum, also known as ambarella or golden apple, is a tropical fruit commonly found in India and Southeast Asia. It has a round shape and a green or yellow skin when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is crunchy, juicy, and slightly tangy. Indian hog plums are enjoyed fresh, often sprinkled with salt and chili powder. They are also used in making chutneys, relishes, and preserves. The fruit is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Indian Jujube

Indian jujube, also known as ber or Chinese date, is a small fruit commonly found in India and other parts of Asia. It has a round shape and a reddish-brown skin when ripe. The fruit is sweet and tangy, with a crisp texture. Indian jujubes are enjoyed fresh or used in making jams, jellies, and desserts. They are also used in traditional medicine for their potential digestive and cooling properties.

Indian Mango

Indian mangoes are renowned worldwide for their exceptional taste and aroma. India is known for producing a wide variety of mango cultivars, each with its own unique flavor profile. Mangoes are a tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy flesh and a yellow or orange skin. They are eaten fresh, used in salads, smoothies, and desserts, and are a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine. The mango is also the national fruit of India.

Indian Persimmon

Indian persimmon, also known as kaki fruit or divine fruit, is a fruit native to India. It has a round shape and a reddish-orange skin when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is sweet and succulent, with a custard-like texture. Indian persimmons are often enjoyed fresh or used in making desserts and jams. They are a good source of vitamins A and C, and are known for their potential antioxidant properties.

Indian Prune

Indian prune, also called Indian plum or damson plum, is a fruit native to India and other parts of Asia. It has a small, round shape and a purple or deep red skin. The flesh of the fruit is tart and juicy. Indian prunes are commonly used in making preserves, jams, and chutneys. They are also dried and used as a natural sweetener. The fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Indian Sherbet Berry

Indian sherbet berry, also known as phalsa, is a small fruit native to India and Pakistan. It has a round shape and a dark purple skin when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and acidic, with a flavor reminiscent of grapes or cranberries. Indian sherbet berries are often used in making refreshing summer beverages, sherbets, and syrups. They are a good source of antioxidants and are known for their cooling properties.

Indian Strawberry

Indian strawberry, also known as Indian mock strawberry or false strawberry, is a fruit found in various regions of India. It has a small, red fruit that resembles a strawberry but is not actually a true strawberry. The taste of Indian strawberries is slightly tart and less sweet compared to regular strawberries. They are often eaten fresh or used in making jams and desserts. Indian strawberries are known for their ornamental value and are sometimes grown as ground cover plants.

Indonesian Lime

Indonesian lime, also known as Kaffir lime or makrut lime, is a citrus fruit commonly found in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. It has a small, bumpy green skin and a highly fragrant zest. The fruit is known for its distinct flavor, which is tangy and aromatic. Indonesian limes are used in cooking, particularly in traditional Indonesian dishes, as well as in making refreshing beverages and marinades. The leaves of the Kaffir lime tree are also used in culinary preparations for their unique fragrance.

Inga Edulis Fruit

Inga edulis fruit, also known as ice-cream bean or pacay, is a tropical fruit found in Central and South America. It has a long, pod-like shape with a green, slightly fuzzy exterior. Inside the pod, the fruit contains sweet and creamy pulp surrounding large seeds. The taste of Inga edulis fruit is often compared to vanilla ice cream. The fruit is commonly eaten fresh, and the pulp is used in making juices, smoothies, and ice creams.

Ita Palm

Ita palm, also known as coyol palm or corozo palm, is a fruit native to Central and South America. It has a spherical shape and a reddish-brown, scaly skin. The fruit contains a sweet and juicy pulp that is often consumed fresh or used in making beverages and desserts. Ita palm fruit is also known for its high oil content and is used in the production of vegetable oil. The palm tree itself is versatile and provides other useful products, such as construction materials and fibers.

Ivory Nut Palm

The ivory nut palm, also known as tagua palm or vegetable ivory palm, is a tree found in tropical rainforests of South America. It produces large, woody fruits that contain seeds known as ivory nuts. These seeds have a smooth, ivory-like texture and can be carved and polished similarly to animal ivory. Ivory nuts have been used historically as a substitute for ivory in various crafts, including buttons and jewelry. The palm tree is also valued for its other uses, such as for timber and palm oil production.

In conclusion, the fruits that start with the letter “I” encompass a captivating assortment of flavors, textures, and cultural significance. From the luscious Indian mango to the tangy Indonesian lime, each fruit brings its own unique character to the table.

Whether it’s the exotic appeal of Indian jujube or the refreshing taste of Indian sherbet berries, these fruits offer a delightful culinary experience.

Exploring the world of fruits beginning with I reveals a tapestry of diverse tastes and provides a reminder of the remarkable variety and beauty found in nature’s bountiful offerings.

So, let us embrace the allure of these fruits starting with I and continue to discover the wonders they hold for our taste buds and our appreciation of the natural world.

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