Fruits That Start with L

Fruits That Start with L (Complete List of 55+ Fruit Names)

Welcome to the fascinating world of fruits that start with L!

From exotic tropical delights to familiar favorites, this collection of fruits offers a diverse range of flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits. Get ready to explore the juicy goodness of luscious berries, the creamy sweetness of unique fruits, and the tangy zing of citrus delights.

Whether you’re looking to expand your palate or simply curious about the wonders of nature’s bounty, these fruits will surely captivate your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Join us on this flavorful journey as we delve into the enticing realm of fruits beginning with L.

List of Fruits Starting with L

Lady Apple

Lady apple is a small, crisp, and sweet apple variety with a bright red or yellow-green skin. It is often used for decorative purposes due to its petite size and attractive appearance. Lady apples have a delicate flavor with a hint of tartness. They are enjoyed fresh as a snack or used in salads, garnishes, and desserts.

Lady Finger Bananas

Lady finger bananas, also known as baby bananas or petite bananas, are small, slender bananas with a creamy texture and sweet flavor. They are milder and sweeter than regular bananas. Lady finger bananas are often eaten as a healthy snack, added to smoothies or fruit salads, or used in baking and desserts.


Lakoocha, also called monkey fruit or monkey jackfruit, is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a spiky outer skin and a yellowish, sweet-tasting flesh. Lakoocha has a unique aroma and flavor, reminiscent of a combination of banana and mango. It is typically consumed fresh or used in desserts, ice creams, and jams.

Lambkin Melon

Lambkin melon is a small-sized melon with a pale yellow or greenish rind and juicy, sweet flesh. It has a refreshing flavor and a pleasant aroma. Lambkin melons are often enjoyed as a summertime treat, eaten fresh, or used in fruit salads and desserts. They are known for their compact size and high sugar content.

Lancetilla Mango

Lancetilla mango is a variety of mango with a vibrant yellow skin and sweet, juicy flesh. It is known for its large size and aromatic flavor. Lancetilla mangoes are popular in Central America and have a smooth and buttery texture. They are often eaten fresh or used in smoothies, desserts, and savory dishes.

Langley Bullace Damson Plums

Langley Bullace damson plums are a type of small, oval-shaped plum with a deep purple skin and tart, juicy flesh. They are commonly used for making jams, jellies, and preserves due to their high pectin content. Langley Bullace damson plums are prized for their intense flavor and are a popular ingredient in traditional British cuisine.

Langra Mango

Langra mango is a variety of mango with a greenish-yellow skin and juicy, fiberless flesh. It is known for its sweet and tangy flavor and aromatic fragrance. Langra mangoes are highly regarded in South Asia and are enjoyed fresh or used in various culinary preparations such as salads, smoothies, chutneys, and desserts.


Langsat, also known as duku, is a small tropical fruit with a thin yellow or pale brown skin and translucent flesh. It has a sweet and slightly acidic taste with a hint of bitterness. Langsat is typically eaten fresh and is a popular snack in Southeast Asia. It is also used in desserts, preserves, and candies.

Lantana Berries

Lantana berries are small, round fruits that grow on the lantana plant. These berries change color as they ripen, ranging from green to yellow, orange, or black. While they are visually appealing, lantana berries are toxic to humans and should not be consumed. However, they serve as a valuable food source for birds and wildlife.

Lantana Camara Berries

Lantana camara berries are small, colorful berries that grow on the lantana camara plant. These berries are not edible for humans and can be toxic if ingested. However, they are attractive to birds and butterflies, serving as a valuable food source for them. Lantana camara berries come in various hues, including red, orange, and yellow, adding a vibrant touch to gardens and landscapes.


Lapsi, also known as Nepali hog plum or lapsi fruit, is a tangy and sweet fruit native to Nepal. It has a bright orange color and a distinctive sour taste. Lapsi is commonly used to make jams, pickles, and chutneys. It is also enjoyed as a refreshing snack and is believed to have medicinal properties.


Laranja is the Portuguese word for “orange,” referring to the citrus fruit. Oranges are round fruits with a bright orange rind and juicy, sweet flesh. They are rich in vitamin C and are known for their refreshing flavor. Laranja is commonly consumed fresh, used in juices, or added to salads and desserts.


Lardizabala is a climbing vine that produces small, edible fruits known as lardizabala berries. These berries have a reddish-brown color and a sweet taste. Lardizabala berries are often enjoyed raw or used in jams and desserts. The plant itself is valued for its ornamental qualities and can add a unique touch to gardens and trellises.

Last Chance Peaches

Last chance peaches are a variety of peaches that ripen late in the growing season, often during the fall. They are named “last chance” due to their ability to produce fruit when other peach varieties may no longer be available. These peaches have a juicy and sweet flavor, making them a delicious treat as the summer comes to an end.

Le Conte Pear

Le Conte pear is a variety of pear with a yellow-green skin and a crisp, juicy texture. It has a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. Le Conte pears are often enjoyed fresh, used in salads, or incorporated into desserts and preserves. They are known for their distinct shape and are a popular choice among pear enthusiasts.

Lebanese Wild Apple

Lebanese wild apple, also known as wild Lebanon apple, is a small, round fruit that grows in the mountains of Lebanon. It has a tart and slightly sweet taste. Lebanese wild apples are often used in traditional Lebanese cuisine, particularly in jams and jellies. They are valued for their unique flavor and are considered a local delicacy.


Legato is a type of hybrid fruit that combines the characteristics of a lemon and a tomato. It has a yellow, lemon-like appearance but has a sweeter taste compared to traditional lemons. Legato fruits are juicy and can be eaten fresh or used in various culinary applications such as salads, sauces, and beverages. They offer a unique flavor profile that combines citrusy and tangy notes.


Lemato is another hybrid fruit that results from crossbreeding a lemon and a tomato. It has a vibrant yellow or orange color and a tangy-sweet flavor. Lematos are versatile fruits and can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. They are often juiced, used in salads or salsas, or enjoyed as a refreshing snack.


Lemons are citrus fruits with a bright yellow color and a tangy, acidic taste. They are rich in vitamin C and are widely used in cooking, baking, and beverages. Lemons are known for their versatility and are used to enhance the flavor of dishes, add zest to drinks, and make refreshing lemonade. Their acidic nature also makes them a popular ingredient in marinades and dressings.

Lemon Aspen

Lemon aspen is a citrus-like fruit native to Australia. It has a tangy and citrusy flavor with a hint of sweetness. Lemon aspen is rich in vitamin C and is often used in jams, jellies, sauces, and desserts. It adds a unique zesty taste to various culinary creations and is highly valued for its refreshing qualities.

Lemon Cucumber

Lemon cucumber is a small, round cucumber variety that resembles a lemon in color and shape. It has a mild, crisp texture and a refreshing, slightly tangy taste. Lemon cucumbers are often enjoyed fresh in salads, sandwiches, or as a snack. They add a pop of color and a subtle citrus-like flavor to dishes.

Lemon Drop Mangosteen

Lemon drop mangosteen, also known as Achachairu, is a tropical fruit native to the Amazon rainforest. It has a bright yellow skin and juicy, tangy-sweet flesh. Lemon drop mangosteen is highly regarded for its unique flavor profile, which combines hints of citrus, pineapple, and mango. It is typically eaten fresh and is a popular ingredient in desserts and beverages.

Lemon Drop Melon

Lemon drop melon is a small melon variety with a yellowish skin and a sweet, citrusy flavor. It has a juicy and crisp texture, similar to other melons. They are often enjoyed as a refreshing snack, used in fruit salads, or incorporated into desserts and smoothies.

Lemon Plum

Lemon plum, also known as yellow plum, is a variety of plum with a vibrant yellow skin and sweet-tart flesh. It has a distinct plum flavor with citrus undertones. Lemon plums can be eaten fresh, used in jams or pies, or transformed into flavorful sauces. They offer a delightful combination of sweetness and tanginess.

Lemonade Berry

Lemonade berry, also called Rhus integrifolia, is a native shrub in California known for its tart and tangy berries. The berries have a lemon-like flavor and can be eaten fresh or used to make refreshing lemonade-like beverages. They are also used in traditional Native American cuisines for their unique taste and culinary versatility.

Lemonade Fruit

Lemonade fruit, also known as Citrus limetta, is a citrus fruit that resembles a large lemon with a bumpy skin. It has a sweet and tangy flavor, similar to a blend of lemon and sweet lime. Lemonade fruit is enjoyed fresh, used in salads, desserts, and beverages, or made into preserves. It offers a refreshing and citrusy taste experience.


Leucaena, also known as lead tree or wild tamarind, is a legume tree that produces edible pods. The pods are used as a vegetable and have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor. Leucaena is a versatile plant, providing food, forage, and shade in various regions. It is also valued for its nitrogen-fixing properties, which improve soil fertility.

Leucaena Leucocephala

Leucaena leucocephala, commonly known as the white leadtree, is a fast-growing tree with small white flowers and green leaves. The tree produces edible seeds and pods that are used as a food source for both humans and animals. The seeds can be roasted or ground into flour, while the young pods are cooked and consumed as a vegetable.

Li Jujube

Li jujube, also called Chinese jujube, is a sweet and chewy fruit native to China. It has a reddish-brown skin and a rich, honey-like flavor. Li jujubes are often eaten fresh, dried, or used in various traditional Chinese dishes. They are also known for their medicinal properties and are believed to have health benefits such as improving digestion and boosting the immune system.

Liberty Apple

Liberty apple is a popular variety known for its exceptional flavor and crisp texture. It has a vibrant red skin and a balanced sweet-tart taste that appeals to many apple lovers. These apples are versatile and can be enjoyed fresh, used in salads, or baked into delicious pies and pastries.

Lilly Pilly Berries

Lilly pilly berries are small, colorful fruits that grow on lilly pilly trees, native to Australia and Southeast Asia. They come in a range of vibrant shades, from pink to purple, and have a sweet and tangy flavor. Lilly pilly berries are often used in jams, jellies, desserts, and sauces, and are a popular ingredient in indigenous cuisines.

Lima Orange

Lima orange, also known as Persian lime or Tahiti lime, is a citrus fruit with a bright green color and a tangy taste. It is widely used in cooking, baking, and beverages, as its acidic juice adds a zesty kick to dishes and drinks. Lima oranges are a common choice for making limeade, salad dressings, and marinades.

Limau Bali

Limau Bali, also referred to as kaffir lime or makrut lime, is a citrus fruit commonly found in Southeast Asian cuisine. It has a distinctive bumpy green skin and a strong aromatic fragrance. The leaves of the Limau Bali tree are widely used in Thai, Indonesian, and other Asian cuisines to add a citrusy flavor to dishes like curries, soups, and salads.


Lime is a small citrus fruit with a refreshing sour taste and a vibrant green color. It is a versatile ingredient used in cooking, baking, and cocktail making. Limes are commonly squeezed to extract their tangy juice, which is used in beverages like margaritas, as well as in dressings, marinades, and desserts.


Limeberry is a small fruit that resembles a miniature lime and has a tangy flavor with a hint of sweetness. These berries are enjoyed fresh as a refreshing snack, and they can also be used in jams, jellies, and beverages to add a zingy twist.


Limequat is a citrus fruit that is a cross between a key lime and a kumquat. It has a thin edible skin and a unique flavor that combines the tartness of limes with the sweetness of kumquats. Limequats are often enjoyed whole as a snack or used in salads, sauces, and desserts to add a burst of citrusy goodness.


Lingonberry is a small red berry that grows in the northern regions of Europe, North America, and Asia. These berries have a tart and slightly sweet taste, similar to cranberries. Lingonberries are used in various culinary applications, including jams, jellies, sauces, and baked goods. They are also a popular accompaniment to savory dishes like meatballs and roasted meats.

Lippens Mango

Lippens mango is a variety of mango known for its large size and juicy, sweet flesh. These mangoes have a luscious texture and a tropical flavor that is highly enjoyable. Lippens mangoes are commonly eaten fresh, used in smoothies, or added to fruit salads for a burst of tropical goodness.

Little Gooseberry

Little gooseberry, as the name suggests, is a smaller variety of gooseberry. These berries have a tart and tangy taste and are often used in jams, jellies, and desserts. They can also be enjoyed fresh and are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Lodi Apple

Lodi apple is an early-season variety known for its bright green skin and crisp texture. It has a tart flavor with a hint of sweetness, making it a popular choice for fresh eating and baking. Lodi apples are often harvested in late spring or early summer and are enjoyed for their refreshing taste.


Loganberry is a hybrid fruit that results from crossing a raspberry and a blackberry. It has a dark red color and a unique tangy-sweet flavor. Loganberries are commonly used in jams, jellies, pies, and desserts, and they are prized for their juicy and aromatic characteristics.

Long Island Cheese Pumpkin

Long Island Cheese Pumpkin is a type of heirloom pumpkin that is named for its flattened, cheese-wheel shape. It has a pale tan color and a smooth texture. This pumpkin variety is known for its sweet, nutty flavor and is highly sought after for making pies, soups, and other culinary creations.

Long Neck Avocado

Long neck avocado, also known as Mexican avocado, is a variety characterized by its elongated neck-like shape. It has a buttery texture and a rich, creamy taste. These avocados are often used in guacamole, salads, sandwiches, and other dishes where their smooth and flavorful flesh can shine.


Longan is a tropical fruit that belongs to the soapberry family. It has a thin, brownish shell and a translucent, juicy flesh. Longans have a sweet and floral flavor, similar to lychee, and are enjoyed fresh as a snack or used in desserts, beverages, and fruit salads.


Loquat is a small, orange fruit with a sweet and slightly tangy taste. It has a thin, fuzzy skin that can be easily peeled to reveal the juicy flesh inside. Loquats are often eaten fresh, and they can also be used in jams, jellies, compotes, and baked goods. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Lord Lambourne Apple

Lord Lambourne apple is a classic English apple variety known for its attractive appearance and balanced flavor. It has a yellow-green skin with streaks of red and a crisp, juicy texture. Lord Lambourne apples are appreciated for their sweet-tart taste and are commonly used in desserts, cider making, and fresh eating.

Louise Bonne of Jersey Pear

Louise Bonne of Jersey pear is an old French variety that is prized for its elegant shape and sweet, juicy flesh. It has a greenish-yellow skin with a blush of red and a smooth, buttery texture. These pears are delicious when eaten fresh and are often used in salads, poached in wine, or baked in desserts.


Lovi-Lovi, also known as love apple or jujube, is a small fruit with a wrinkled red skin and a sweet, date-like flavor. It is native to Asia and is often dried for preservation. Lovi-Lovi fruits are rich in antioxidants and are believed to have various health benefits. They can be enjoyed as a snack or used in desserts and herbal teas.

Low June Berry

Low June Berry, also known as Saskatoon berry, is a small purple fruit that grows on shrubs native to North America. It has a sweet and slightly nutty flavor, similar to a combination of blueberries and almonds. Thye are often used in pies, jams, and desserts, and they are also enjoyed fresh as a nutritious snack.

Low Service Berry

Low Service Berry, also called juneberry or shadbush, is a fruit that grows on small trees or shrubs. It resembles a small blueberry and has a sweet and juicy taste. Low Service Berries are commonly used in baked goods like muffins, cakes, and pies, as well as in jams and jellies. They are rich in antioxidants and are a popular choice for both culinary and ornamental purposes.


Lucuma is a tropical fruit native to Peru. It has a round shape and a bright orange-yellow flesh. Lucuma has a unique and distinct flavor, often described as a combination of sweet potato, caramel, and maple syrup. It is commonly used in desserts, ice creams, and smoothies, and it is also highly nutritious, being a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Lulo Fruit

Lulo fruit, also known as naranjilla, is a tropical fruit that is native to South America. It has a round shape, a vibrant orange color, and a tangy flavor. Lulo fruit is often used to make refreshing juices, jams, and sauces. It is rich in vitamin C and is enjoyed for its unique taste and refreshing qualities.

Luóhàn Guǒ

Luóhàn Guǒ, also known as monk fruit or Buddha fruit, is a small round fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a sweet taste and is often used as a natural low-calorie sweetener. Luóhàn Guǒ is highly valued for its intense sweetness and is used in a variety of products like beverages, desserts, and sugar substitutes. It is also known for its potential health benefits and is considered a good alternative to traditional sugar.


Lychee is a tropical fruit with a rough, red-colored outer skin and a juicy, translucent flesh. It has a sweet and floral flavor with hints of tropical notes. Lychees are commonly eaten fresh and are popular in fruit salads, desserts, and drinks. They are also a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants and are highly prized for their delicious taste and refreshing nature.


Lúcuma is a fruit native to the Andean region of South America, particularly Peru. It has a unique flavor that combines elements of caramel and sweet potato, with a hint of maple. Lúcuma is commonly used in desserts, ice creams, and smoothies, and it is also considered a nutritious fruit, providing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its distinct taste and creamy texture make it a beloved ingredient in Peruvian cuisine and beyond.

In conclusion, the world of fruits that start L is a delightful and diverse one. From the tangy Lychee to the creamy Lucuma, and from the juicy Lulo fruit to the sweet and tart Loganberry, these fruits offer a range of flavors and textures that tantalize the senses.

Whether you’re enjoying them fresh, incorporating them into delicious recipes, or exploring their health benefits, fruits that starting with L are a true delight. So, embrace the abundance of nature’s offerings and savor the unique and delectable fruits that the letter “L” has to offer.

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