Fruits That Start with K

Fruits That Start with K (Complete List of 35+ Fruit Names)

Fruits that start with the K offer a delightful variety of flavors, textures, and appearances. From the tangy and tropical kiwi to the sweet and juicy Korean pear, these fruits bring a burst of freshness to the palate.

Some fruits, like the knobby russet apple and kumquat, showcase unique characteristics that make them stand out. Additionally, the kowai, kundang, and kutjera introduce us to lesser-known fruits with intriguing tastes and cultural significance.

Whether you’re looking for a zesty citrus experience or a crisp and refreshing bite, the fruits beginning with K are sure to captivate your taste buds and add a touch of excitement to your culinary adventures.

List of Fruits Starting with K


Kabosu is a citrus fruit native to Japan. It resembles a small green lemon and has a sour and tart flavor. Kabosu is commonly used as a condiment or seasoning in Japanese cuisine, adding a tangy kick to dishes like soups, salads, and sauces. It is also used to make refreshing beverages and desserts. Kabosu is prized for its acidity and distinct citrusy taste.

Kaffir Lime

Kaffir lime, also known as makrut lime, is a citrus fruit commonly found in Southeast Asian cuisine. It has a bumpy green skin and a unique fragrance. The leaves and zest of the kaffir lime are highly aromatic and are used to add a tangy and citrusy flavor to curries, soups, and stir-fried dishes. Kaffir lime is valued for its intense aroma and its ability to elevate the flavors of various dishes.


Kahikatea, also known as white pine, is a tall native tree in New Zealand. Although not a traditional fruit in the conventional sense, the tree produces small, edible purple berries that are enjoyed by birds and wildlife. Kahikatea berries are not typically consumed by humans but are an important food source for wildlife, contributing to the biodiversity of the native forest ecosystems.

Kakadu Plum

Kakadu plum, also called billygoat plum or gubinge, is a small green fruit native to Australia. It is known for its extremely high vitamin C content, making it one of the richest natural sources of this essential nutrient. Kakadu plums have a tart and slightly sweet flavor and are used in traditional Aboriginal cuisine. They are also used in skincare products due to their antioxidant properties.

Kaki Persimmon

Kaki persimmon, also known as Japanese persimmon or Oriental persimmon, is a fruit originating from East Asia. It has a distinct orange color and a sweet and juicy flesh. Kaki persimmons are enjoyed fresh, dried, or used in baking and cooking. They are known for their soft and custard-like texture when fully ripe. Kaki persimmons are a popular autumn fruit and are rich in fiber and vitamins.


Kantola, also called spiny gourd or teasel gourd, is a small green vegetable belonging to the gourd family. It has a unique spiky appearance and a slightly bitter taste. Kantola is commonly used in Indian and Asian cuisines, particularly in stir-fries and curries. It is valued for its crunchy texture and ability to absorb flavors from spices and seasonings.

Kanzi Apple

Kanzi apple is a variety of apple known for its crisp texture and sweet-tart flavor. It is a hybrid of the Gala and Braeburn apple varieties. Kanzi apples have a vibrant red skin with white flesh that is juicy and refreshing. They are enjoyed as a snack, used in salads, or incorporated into desserts. Kanzi apples are favored for their balance of sweetness and acidity.


Kapok is not a fruit, but rather a fluffy fiber that surrounds the seeds of the kapok tree. The tree produces large, spherical seed pods filled with this soft, cotton-like fiber. Kapok fibers are lightweight, buoyant, and resistant to water, making them ideal for stuffing pillows, mattresses, and life jackets. The kapok tree is native to tropical regions and is also known for its large and beautiful flowers.


Karkalla, also known as pigface or beach banana, is a coastal succulent plant found in Australia. It produces small, fleshy green fruits that resemble tiny bananas. Karkalla fruits have a salty and slightly sour taste and are often used in salads or pickled. The plant is well adapted to the harsh coastal environment and is known for its salt tolerance.


Karonda, also called Natal plum or Carissa fruit, is a small red or purple fruit native to Africa and Asia. It has a tangy and slightly sour flavor, similar to cranberries. Karonda fruits are often used in jams, jellies, and chutneys. They are also enjoyed fresh or used as a flavoring in beverages. Karonda is valued for its versatility and its ability to add a zingy taste to various culinary preparations.


Kastanj, also known as chestnut, is a popular edible nut that grows inside a prickly shell. Chestnuts have a rich, nutty flavor and a creamy texture when cooked. They are often roasted or boiled and used in various sweet and savory dishes. Chestnuts are a staple in many cuisines around the world, particularly during the holiday season.


Kawakawa is a native New Zealand plant that produces small, round fruits. The fruits are not typically eaten, but the leaves and stems of the kawakawa plant are used in traditional Maori cuisine and herbal remedies. Kawakawa leaves have a distinctive flavor and are used to make teas, infusions, and seasonings. They are known for their medicinal properties and are believed to have various health benefits.


Kaywa, also known as African horned cucumber or kiwano, is an exotic fruit with a unique appearance. It has a spiky orange-yellow skin and a gelatinous green flesh filled with edible seeds. Kaywa has a refreshing and slightly tangy flavor, similar to a combination of banana and cucumber. It is often eaten fresh or used as a decorative element in salads, desserts, and cocktails.

Kei Apple

Kei apple is a fruit native to Southern Africa. It has a round shape, a yellow or orange skin, and a tart taste. Kei apples are rich in vitamin C and are often used to make jams, jellies, and sauces. The fruit is also enjoyed fresh when fully ripe. Kei apple plants have thorny branches, making them a popular choice for hedges and fences.

Keitt Mango

Keitt mango is a large and juicy mango variety that originated in Florida, USA. It has a green skin that doesn’t fully turn yellow when ripe. Keitt mangoes have a sweet and tropical flavor with hints of citrus. They are popular for eating fresh, juicing, and using in various mango-based recipes. Keitt mangoes are known for their size, firmness, and ability to withstand long periods of time before fully ripening.


Kepel, also known as buah keluak, is a fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a large and round shape with a hard shell. The flesh of the kepel fruit is not consumed, but the seeds are used in cooking. The seeds are fermented and then incorporated into dishes for their unique and intense flavor. Kepel seeds are commonly used in traditional Indonesian and Malaysian cuisines.


Keule, also known as Chilean guava or Ugni fruit, is a small berry that grows on an evergreen shrub. It has a red or purple skin and a sweet-tart flavor. Keule berries are enjoyed fresh or used in jams, jellies, and desserts. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Keule shrubs are also cultivated for their ornamental value, with attractive foliage and delicate pink flowers.

Key Lime

Key lime, also known as Mexican lime or West Indian lime, is a small citrus fruit with a thin green skin. They have a distinctively tart and acidic flavor, making them a key ingredient in the famous key lime pie. They are also used in beverages, marinades, and dressings. Key limes are highly aromatic and provide a refreshing citrusy taste.

Kieffer Pear

Kieffer pear is a variety of pear that is widely grown in the United States. It has a yellowish-green skin with a slightly grainy texture. Kieffer pears are known for their crisp and juicy flesh. They are often used in baking, canning, and making preserves. Kieffer pears are versatile and can be enjoyed fresh or cooked in various culinary preparations.


Kiwano, also known as African horned melon or jelly melon, is a unique fruit with a spiky orange-yellow skin. Inside, it has a bright green, jelly-like flesh filled with edible seeds. Kiwano has a tart and slightly sweet flavor, reminiscent of a mix between banana and cucumber. It is often used as a decorative element in fruit salads and desserts. Kiwano is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.


Kiwi, also known as kiwifruit, is a small oval-shaped fruit with a fuzzy brown skin and vibrant green flesh. It has a unique tangy and slightly sweet flavor. Kiwi is packed with nutrients and is an excellent source of vitamin C and dietary fiber. It can be enjoyed by itself, added to fruit salads, or used in smoothies and desserts. Kiwi is also known for its high antioxidant content.

Knobby Russet Apple

Knobby Russet apple, as the name suggests, is a variety of apple with a rough and russeted skin. It has a distinct knobby appearance and a crisp and juicy texture. Knobby Russet apples have a sweet and slightly nutty flavor with hints of spice. They are often enjoyed fresh or used in baking, particularly in pies and tarts.


Kokoneos, also known as West Indian cherry or Surinam cherry, is a small red fruit with a tropical and tangy flavor. It is commonly used to make jams, jellies, and sauces. Kokoneos is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. The fruit grows on a small evergreen shrub and is native to South America and the Caribbean.

Korean Pear

Korean pear, also called Asian pear or Nashi pear, is a crisp and juicy fruit with a round shape and yellowish-brown skin. It has a sweet and refreshing flavor, similar to a cross between an apple and a pear. Korean pears are commonly eaten fresh, sliced, or used in salads and desserts. They are a popular fruit in Korean cuisine and are known for their crunchy texture.


Korlan, also known as Buddha’s hand melon or fingered citron, is a unique fruit with a citrusy fragrance and finger-like segments. It has a bright yellow rind and a mild, sweet flavor. Korlan is mainly used for its aromatic zest, which is used in culinary applications and as a natural air freshener. The fruit is often displayed as a decorative item due to its intriguing shape.


Koroi, also known as Fijian longan or wax apple, is a tropical fruit with a shiny red or yellow skin and a crisp, watery flesh. It has a mildly sweet taste and is often eaten fresh or added to fruit salads. Koroi is rich in vitamin C and fiber. The fruit grows on a small evergreen tree and is native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.


Kowai, also known as Ilama or Annona diversifolia, is a tropical fruit with a green or yellowish skin and a sweet and creamy flesh. It has a unique flavor that is often described as a mix of pineapple, mango, and banana. Kowai is enjoyed fresh or used in smoothies, ice creams, and desserts. The fruit is native to Central America and Mexico.


Kumquat is a small citrus fruit with an edible skin and a tangy and slightly sweet flavor. Unlike other citrus fruits, the skin of the kumquat is sweet, while the flesh is tart. Kumquats are often eaten whole, including the skin, and can be used in salads, preserves, or as a garnish. They are rich in vitamin C and fiber.


Kundang, also known as langsat or lanzones, is a tropical fruit with a thin yellowish-brown skin and a translucent flesh. It has a sweet and tangy flavor, similar to a grape. Kundang is typically eaten fresh or used in desserts and candies. The fruit is native to Southeast Asia and is commonly found in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.


Kutjera, also known as bush tomato or desert raisin, is a small fruit native to arid regions of Australia. It has a strong and tangy flavor with hints of caramel and tamarind. Kutjera is highly valued in Indigenous Australian cuisine and is used to add flavor to sauces, chutneys, and meat dishes. The fruit is also rich in antioxidants and is a source of vitamin C.


Kvede, also known as quince, is a fragrant fruit with a golden-yellow skin and a hard and acidic flesh. It has a unique taste that becomes sweeter when cooked. Kvede is commonly used in preserves, jams, jellies, and desserts. It is also known for its high pectin content, which makes it a popular ingredient in making fruit pastes and cheese.

Kwai Muk

Kwai Muk is a small fruit native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand. It has a brown, rough exterior and a creamy white flesh. Kwai Muk has a sweet and custard-like flavor with a hint of coconut. It is often eaten fresh or used in desserts and beverages. The fruit is also known for its high nutritional value and is a good source of fiber and vitamin C.

Kyoho Grapes

Kyoho grapes are large and juicy grapes that originated in Japan. They have a dark purple skin and a sweet and aromatic flavor. Kyoho grapes are often eaten fresh or used in desserts, juices, and wines. They are known for their size and intense grape flavor. Kyoho grapes are popular in East Asian countries and are enjoyed during the late summer and early autumn.


Körsbär, simply known as cherries, are small and round fruits with a range of colors, including red, yellow, and black. They have a sweet and slightly tart flavor. Cherries are often eaten fresh or used in baking, preserves, and desserts. They are rich in antioxidants and are believed to have various health benefits. Cherries are also a symbol of summer and are enjoyed by many as a seasonal treat.

In conclusion, exotic fruits that start K bring a diverse and exciting range of flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits to our tables. From the familiar kiwi and kumquat to the lesser-known kowai and kundang, these fruits offer a delightful exploration of taste and culinary possibilities.

Whether you enjoy them fresh, incorporate them into recipes, or savor them in exotic dishes, unique fruits starting with K add a unique touch to our dining experiences. So next time you’re in search of a flavorful and nutritious treat, don’t forget to explore the vibrant world of fruits that beginning with K.

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